When you think about sleep, you probably don’t see yourself hanging from a tree branch, floating near the ocean surface, or huddled together on the floor with all your family members. Of course not! But these are just a few examples of how some animals sleep. Read on to find out about ten animals that don’t sleep like you and me.
# 10 Meerkats – Sleep in a heap
The meerkat (Suricata suricatta) lives in a desert habitat in southwestern Africa. This mammal has a body less than 12 inches long and weighs about a pound. They live in groups called gangs to protect themselves from predators. They not only live together, but also sleep together in heaps.
These small mammals are stacked on top of each other before going to bed. So, if a predator such as a snake or an eagle enters their habitat, one meerkat can wake up the others and they can take cover. Meerkats also sleep in clusters to keep warm on cold desert nights.
# 9 Dolphins – Sleeping afloat
Dolphins must stay in the water to survive. So how does this aquatic mammal sleep? Well, they have a couple of methods.
One of the ways is called logging. Logging is easy when this animal is positioned horizontally and swims near the surface of the ocean. When they do this, they resemble a log. Some dolphins stand upright during sleep. They rest with their tail turned down to the bottom of the ocean, and their muzzle up to the surface of the water. During a nap, they hang in the water near the surface.
Since dolphins are social animals, they sleep in groups. Staying together provides them with protection in the event of a predator approaching. They can warn each other and fly through the water.
Pairs of dolphins in a group swim next to each other. They slow down their swimming speed to sleep side by side. This method is used for short naps, not long naps. The key is that only part of the dolphin’s brain becomes inactive during sleep. This animal is always somewhat alert, even if its body is resting.
# 8 Ducks – working together to take a nap
Collect your ducks in a row. Have you ever heard this phrase? Well, while people sometimes say this to each other, it’s based on real-life behavior of the ducks. To sleep, ducks line up on the banks of a pond, lake or other body of water. They keep close to each other to protect the herd. Each duck turns its head to bury its beak in the feathers on its back. Take a closer look and you will see that there is more going on in this row of dormant ducks than you expected.
Each duck at the far end of the row has one eye closed and the other open. This allows them to take a nap easily while continuing to monitor their environment for predators such as cats or foxes. The ducks in the middle of the row close both eyes to sleep. After a while, the ducks get up and switch places, allowing the ducks at the ends of the row to switch to the middle to get some sleep. This collaboration gives every duck a rest!
# 7 Flamingos – Sleep on one leg
We know that this bird with brightly colored feathers can stand on one leg while awake. But what does he do when it’s time to get some sleep?
Flamingos sleep on one leg! These birds bend their long necks to press their beak against the feathers on their back. While these birds appear to be completely asleep, they are not. Half of this bird’s brain is still awake and aware of its surroundings. The flamingo does this to avoid becoming completely vulnerable to predators such as pythons or vultures. With regard to their position during sleep, scientists have not concluded why the bird continues to stand on one leg during sleep.
# 6 Sloths – sleep comfortably
It’s no secret that sloths love to sleep. In fact, these animals sleep at least 15 hours every day. And when they are awake, they move very slowly. These animals have several ways of sleeping.
Some sloths find a forked branch high up in a tree that they can sleep on. A forked branch is one branch that splits into two smaller branches. The middle of the forked branch serves as a support for the back of the sloth. When a sloth sleeps like this, it looks like he is sleeping in a cradle.
Other sloths sleep, hanging upside down from a tree branch. Their long claws help them hold onto the branch securely.
# 5 Bats – hold on to sleep
Bats have a place they deserve on any list of animals that don’t sleep like humans. Bats hang upside down by their clawed paws to sleep. They can hang from a tree branch, from the ceiling of a cave, or hang from a place under the eaves of a house. But do they ever fall after falling asleep?
The answer is no. Special tendons in the legs prevent bats from falling during sleep. When the bat is hanging from a branch, tendons in the legs hold it in place. Thus, the bat remains reliably suspended in the air for several hours. When he wakes up, his tendons disengage and he flies away.
Bats sleep in a group or colony as a means of protection from predators. They also sleep in the colony for warmth.
# 4 Horses – Sleeping on your feet (sometimes)
Horses are capable of blocking their legs and sleeping for short periods of time. When horses need to sleep for several hours, they lower themselves to the ground and put their feet in front of them. It is rare to see a wild horse like a mustang lying on its side. This prone position makes the wild horse vulnerable to predators.
Domestic horses also sleep while standing. But they feel more secure than wild horses and are more likely to lie in a sunny field with their heads on the ground.
# 3 Parrotfish – Sleep in a cocoon
This colorful fish is found in the nooks and crannies of coral reefs around the world. Sharks and moray eels are their predators. So how do these fish sleep? Well, before falling asleep at night, they have a special way to protect themselves from predators.
This fish can form a transparent cocoon of mucus that covers its entire body. The fish can breathe inside the cocoon. If a predator bites a cocoon, this fish can fly away, leaving the predator holding the cocoon. The cocoon also hides the scent of the parrotfish.
# 2 Sharks – Sleep soundly
When you think of a shark, you probably picture it racing through the water. But sharks also need to rest! After switching to a very slow speed, the shark collides with the current stream. This allows him to rest while water continues to move through his gills, supplying him with oxygen. Sharks do not fall into deep sleep, but during this time they rest.
Compared to parrotfish, dolphins and other sea creatures, sharks have an easier time resting. They have very few natural predators to consider as they catch downtime.
# 1 Koala Bears – Walk and Sleep
Koalas sleep about 20 hours a day, so they need a safe and reliable way to sleep. They are safer from predators such as dingoes if they stay in the trees. They are solitary mammals, so they have no other koalas nearby to warn them of danger. So how do they sleep while staying in the trees?
The koala bear has a thick rear end, which it wedges into a forked branch of the tree. With the help of his long claws, he can sleep while sitting in this position without fear of falling.
Next: 11 Incredible Facts About Mountain Lions
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