There are many ways to measure strength, and this fact is true for the entire animal kingdom. Every animal must eat, and there is nothing worse than looking into the mouth of a hungry predator. In this list of the 10 most severe animal bites in the world, we rank live mammals by the pounds per square inch (PSI) they exhibit when bitten, with some adjustments for size. You will be surprised to see that many of them are not strictly carnivores, and some are not carnivores at all!
# 10 most animal bite in the world: grizzly bear

The first entry on our list is the grizzly bear (Ursus). With an astounding bite force of almost half a ton, this top predator exhibits an impressive 975 psi crushing power. Despite this impressive number, the grizzly bear relies on more than just its strength. It is an omnivore native to North America and most of its diet consists of nuts, berries, fruits, and other vegetation. The grizzly bear uses its power to knock down prey that range in size from rodents to elk.
Usually grizzlies live in the wild for about 25 years and grow to five to eight feet in height and weigh nearly 800 pounds. They get their name from the brown fur with white tips that covers this hard body and gives the appearance of gray hair.
# 9 World’s Strongest Animal Bite Force: Spotted Hyena

Spotted hyena (Crocuta crocuta) comes next with a strong 1100 psi bite; this is almost twice as strong as that of the lion, which is their direct rival in the African savannah for prey. This largest species of the hyena family is three to four feet long, plus a solid tail, and can range in weight from 100 to 200 pounds.
Although they look like dogs, they are more closely related to cats and civets. Spotted hyenas hunt in packs called clans, which can number up to 80 members. They kill prey in these large groups and then celebrate their trademark laughing barks. They use this bite force to split bones and hooves, and they eat almost every part of their prey, leaving nothing to waste.
# 8 Strongest Animal Bite Force in the World: Polar Bear

Polar bear (Ursus maritimus) is not only the largest bear species in North America, but also the strongest when it comes to strong bites. An approximate bite force of 1200 psi is what a polar bear uses to eat seals. When food is scarce, they will also feast on whale carcasses, fish, and whatever berries they can find available. The polar bear eats much less vegetation than its other relatives, primarily due to the harsh arctic conditions in which it lives.
Their white fur covers their skin, which is actually black, to keep out as much heat from the sun as possible. Polar bears can grow up to 1200 pounds and reach seven feet in height. Even with such a large body, the polar bear’s webbed feet make them phenomenal swimmers.
# 7 most animal bite in the world: gorilla

With a strong 1300 psi bite force, the gorilla (Gorilla gorilla and Gorilla Beringey) is next on our list of animals with the strongest bites. Here you can learn about four different subspecies of gorillas, and unfortunately they are all on the verge of extinction. The gorilla’s broad, muscular neck is what generates the force for their bite, but they don’t use it to crush the bones of their prey like other animals we’ve discussed so far.
Gorillas feed mainly on plants, shoots and fruits, and they use their large molars and strong bite to chew on bark, roots, and other fibrous material. Mature males do have very large and protruding canines; however, they are mainly used to show aggression against defiant males or to scare off intruders. The gorilla in the forests of Central Africa is the largest of the great apes. They also share over 98% of the common DNA structure with modern humans.
# 6 most animal bite in the world: jaguar

Jaguars (Panthera onca) are the only big cats to live in America, and they have the strongest bite of any species. Panther… With a body ranging from five to six feet long, followed by a tail up to three feet, these large carnivores have a powerful physique that can grow up to 250 pounds. With a massive jaw force of 1,500 psi, they are supreme solitary predators.
The way these predators catch their prey is also unique. Instead of pulling down and gutting its lunch or biting its throat like most other large felines, the jaguar crushes the skull of its victims by biting right through it. Jaguars are known to even bite turtles. Although extremely rare, jaguars can be found in the southwestern United States as well as throughout Central and South America.
# 5 most animal bite in the world: hippopotamus

Given the sheer size of our next animal, it should come as no surprise that the hippopotamus (Hippo amphibian) is at the top of this list. Weighing between 3,000 and 8,000 pounds, the third largest land mammal can grow up to 14 feet in length and live 40 years. They are capable of opening their impressive jaws 150-180 degrees and producing 1800 psi bite force. Rumor has it that hippos, given their high aggressiveness and extremely territorial nature, can bite a crocodile in half.
World’s # 4 Most Animal Bite: American Alligator
American alligator (Alligator mississippiences) is the first member of the Order of the Crocodiles to appear on our list, but not the last. American alligators can be visually identified by the fact that their lower jaw and teeth fit completely into their upper jaw, leaving the lower teeth visible when their mouths are closed. They have inherently weak muscles that open their jaws, which can be easily overcome by simply holding them with your hands; however, their closure muscle pushed an astounding 2980 psi mark.
# 3 most animal bite in the world: Nile crocodile

Nile crocodile (Crocodylus niloticus) and other related species at the top of our list were studied by a renowned biologist who used sensitive instruments to measure the corresponding bite force of all members of the Crocodilia order. One of the study’s minor flaws was that the Nile crocodile sample that was measured was only about 8 feet long. Given that the average Nile crocodile grows up to 16 feet, it goes without saying that their actual bite force should be over 3000 psi.
The Nile crocodile weighing 500 pounds, which lives on the edge of the river around the Nile River, is the most deadly crocodile species in the world. They are solely responsible for more attacks on humans than any other crocodile. This is primarily due to their extremely territorial and aggressive nature.
World’s # 2 most animal bite: great white shark

Without such an accurate way to measure the bite force of a great white shark (Carcharodon carcharias), which was used in crocodile research, is much more difficult to obtain the necessary data. The researchers were able to use detailed X-rays and reliably establish that a 21-foot shark would register approximately 4,000 psi. At an average weight of 4,000 to 7,000 pounds, this force pales in comparison to the force generated by our number one animal when comparing a pound to a pound.
World’s # 1 most animal bite: saltwater crocodile

Saltwater crocodiles (Crocodylus porosus) are the largest of the 1000-pound crocodile family, as well as live animals with the strongest bite in the world. Saltwater crocodiles are also some of the deadliest animals in the world and are responsible for 3,000 to 5,000 human deaths a year. A 17-foot crocodile with a 3700 psi bite, measured in a controlled environment by a leading scientist, is what it takes to bring home gold in this category. Interestingly, by extrapolating this data, the same scientist was able to estimate that 40-foot prehistoric crocodiles had a bite force of 23,000 psi!
The sheer strength shown by these animals is so impressive that it is scary to imagine how strong some of the other ancient animals must have been. Tyrannosaurus Rex is estimated to have a bite force of 8,000 psi, and the megalodon was engineered at 40,000 psi using methods that measured the amperage of the great white. As powerful as one animal is, the vast majority of species on this planet still face deadly threats, and strength is not the only factor. Just check out this article on the world’s most venomous mammals.
Next: 9 Most Interesting Animals in the World