Robotic killer bearers, toys with human teeth and dolls with kids guts inside. You won’t believe how dark and twisted some of these toys can get. These are the 15 scariest kids toys in the world. Number 15 a killer clown doll. This toy is truly demonic.
It definitely is going to give you some nightmares tonight. Look away now if you get scared easily. This doll looks just like the killer clown face that was crazily popular a few years ago. But it came with an even more demonic twist. Those killer clowns would hang out in dark places and chase cars with sharp weapons.
They even killed people. This doll was made to look just like them with a grin that really creeps me out. But it gets worse. This doll is just as terrifying as the trend. Some twisted evil individual actually sent the toy in a box covered in human blood.
Number 14. Cannibal cabbage Patch Doll. This toy is pure evil. I honestly think it’s possessed by spirits of the dead. This kid’s toy has literally bitten off and shoot hundreds of kids fingers.
And I wish I was joking, but I’m not. This toy was meant to be fun and perfect for kids of all ages. That was until it took a super dark turn. You could feed this doll carrots and fries and lots of other snacks. But this doll was hungry for something extra delicious.
Yes, you guessed it, kids fingers. Yes, it was taken off the shelves after hundreds of kids had their fingers bit right off. That is scarier than some horror films. Number 13, clyde the Clown. This toy is so demonic, you’ll not believe your eyes.
Honestly, if you get scared easily, don’t watch the post. The owner of this doll started to notice strange things happening at night. When the lights were turned off, he said stuff was smashed, doors closed on their own and heard people talking. To find out what was going on, he filmed the clown. What this post shows is terrifying.
You can see the clown came to life and start to smile like a demon at the camera. I’m so scared. I got to call my mom. Number Twelve ghost Doll the footage is terrifying. This is a warning.
Close your eyes if you want to sleep tonight. This expert in ghosts and evil spirits was sent a doll by someone convinced it was possessed. He performed some tests on it for paranormal activity and says he notices anything strange about the doll. To be sure, he sets it on a shelf and films it overnight. The camera footage is absolutely shocking.
You can see the doll come to life and start crying like a child. This stuff is definitely going to get you some nightmares. Eleven. Freddy Fazbear this is one of the scariest toys from one of the world’s scariest games. Five nights at Freddy’s needs no introduction.
It caused nightmares and panic amongst kids for years. Freddie Fazbear is the most demonic bear of them all. It’s said to be possessed by the spirits of dead people. These are no ordinary spirits. They possess the bears so they can hurt humans.
And they can do some pretty gruesome things. You better keep an eye on this stall. If you have it in your house, it only wants to cause you pain. If you think these were unbelievably demonic toys, just wait until you see a teddy bear controlled by an evil, blood hungry computer, toys that came with human body parts attached, and a Valentine’s Day gift with a disgusting dark side. Number ten, huggy Huggy.
This is the scariest toy yet. It’s the stuff of nightmares. I honestly want to cry when I see this guy. Most of you would be familiar with the absolutely terrifying character of Huggy Huggy. If you don’t know him, consider yourself lucky.
This giant blue demonic monster looks like it could kill about four people at once. The real Huggy Huggy comes from a horror movie. It has long arms and legs that can crush a man and grows to 10ft tall. This barbaric bloodthirsty creature is said to feed only on human bones and blood. Its favorite way to kill kids is to hug them to death.
Number nine. Little Miss Daisy. This camera footage captures one of the most demonic toys I’ve ever seen. You have to watch it to believe it. This toy’s owner felt that there was something supernatural in the doll for a while.
But what she captures on film absolutely confirms it. She films the doll because she is moving house, and she says it’s available if anyone wants to buy it. That clearly made someone unhappy. You can see the doll actually turn its head to stare at the woman. I wouldn’t like to find out what happened.
Next time, let’s not annoy the doll possessed by evil spirits, okay? Number eight. A possessed doll. This is beyond insane. I don’t think I’ve ever seen home footage this terrifying.
Honestly, if you get scared easily, look away. Now you can see in the post a young family playing a fun lighthearted game. But things take a very evil and dark turn. When you look closely at the screen, you can see the kids games attracts the interests of something else in the room. The young girl’s dolls sit up and watch them.
There’s no explanation for this other than it must be possessed by some kind of demon or evil spirit. Seven baby peed. This has to be one of the creepiest toys ever. I mean, I’m not even sure I believe my eyes when I look at this demonic toy. It can’t be real.
It looks like a centipede, but it’s made out of babies of old, decapitated kids dolls. What kind of twisted, evil maniac made this? The thought of this crawling towards me makes me want to cry. The bright red eyes on the baby’s face that make it look like it drinks human blood was really the icing on this terrifying cake. Number six a haunted doll.
This has got to be one of the spookiest things caught on camera. A toy collector bought a new doll to add to his collection. But he started to notice things go bump in the night. He said every time he saw the doll, she was looking in a different direction, but no one had been near it. To move her eyes, he decided to set up a camera to watch what happened.
The footage is terrifying. You can see the doll’s eyes move and follow him around the room. Is it time for an exorcism? Perhaps. Number five the moving dog.
This has to be one of the creepiest dolls I’ve ever seen. A woman in the United States bought an antique doll to add her collection. She guessed it was over 80 years old, but her fund purchase quickly turned terrifying. She said every time she moved across the room, the doll would turn to look at her. She decided to film it so everyone could see.
The footage is absolutely shocking. You can see the doll turn its head to look at her and blink its eyes. That’s it. I’m definitely not going to be sleeping tonight. Number four dolls with knives.
This doll looks like a demon in doll form. That’s terrifying. I’ll be seeing this horrible sight in my nightmares for years. These dolls were meant to look like orphans with no names or homes. Kids were meant to look after and care for them.
But these dolls start to take a spooky turn. Kids said they started finding knives near the doll and real human tears sliding down their faces. Parents started believing they were possessed by the ghosts of real orphans. How spooky is that? They look like they’d feed off your soul at night and drag you into the pits of hell.
Starting out, things get serious. It’s now time to take a look at the animatronic spare that could crush you to death, toys that came with real life body parts, and teddy bears that love to feast on human flesh. Number three robot bears. This is enough to make me want to run away and never come home. Have you ever heard of something as demonic as a robot teddy bear that likes to crush human bones?
No. Me neither. These guys look fluffy on the outside, but in reality, they’re anything but. They’re made of strong metal, which is strong enough to crush humans. They also have computers inside them that can turn evil.
When this happens, the bears have been known to turn on their owners. People have said when the bears turned evil, they tried to physically hurt them while they were asleep. When I look into their bright red eyes, I feel like they want to drink my blood. This is terrifying. Number two bears with human teeth.
This kid’s toy looks like something straight out of the fiery pits. Of hell. The true story behind it is even worse. You might think this bear just looks like any other fluffy, cute kids toy. But when you get closer, you realize it’s truly demonic.
It’s missing flesh, so you can actually see its intestines on the inside of its body. It also has bright red eyes, sharp teeth and a blood hungry look. But the creepiest thing about this toy is the fact it’s scary. Teeth weren’t just for show. They turned out to be real human teeth belonging to victims of deadly and horrible crimes.
The maker of the bear sewed them onto the toy before giving it to kids. That’s terrifying. Now we move on to the moment you’ve all been waiting for. Number one valentine’s Day. Bears.
This has to be one of the scariest and creepiest dolls I’ve ever seen on post. When you hear the words Valentine’s Day Bears, you probably think of fluffy toys with big red hearts and lots of love, right? Well, these are very different. Brace yourselves for what you’re about to see. These dolls have a terrifying white face like Freddy Krueger.
But it gets worse. His face has been replaced by bloody red teeth and a gruesome mouth. Where the red heart used to be is now a hole where you can see some dis, gusting things. Inside its stomach, you can actually see the guts of kids it’s murdered and eaten. I would not bite any kid.