Today we’ll talk about the eight smallest known fish in the world. Some of these fish usually live in aquariums, and some only in small springs in Greece, but they all have one thing in common: they are very, very small! The smallest fish are rated based on the length of the smallest species, sometimes all of them and sometimes only the male or female. The maximum length of most fish on this list is measured in millimeters. If you live in the United States, you may not be very familiar with the metric system, but one standard inch contains about 25 millimeters. To put this in perspective from a fish point of view, a common aquarium fish that most people consider very small is a neon tetra, which is about 30 millimeters long.
The smallest fish in the world # 8: Danio Heavenly pearl.
A popular fish for nano aquariums due to its diminutive size, the first on our list is Danio Heavenly Pearl, more formally known as Danio margaritatus… This fish is just under an inch or about 25 millimeters long. The little beauties are dark blue on their bodies with golden-white spots all over the body. Females have a bright orange color on their fins, which gradually disappears, while males have red and black fins, and both sexes have black lines on their fins. Heavenly Pearl Danio is sometimes called galactic rasbora.
Smallest fish in the world # 7: Corfu dwarf goby
IN Knipowitschia goerneri, better known as the Corfu dwarf goby, is about 22 millimeters long, or just under one inch. These gobies are white or brown with brown specks on the upper half of the body. They have an oddly uneven appearance, without the symmetry often found in fish, as if they were squeezed out of a tube by a trembling hand. This fish has ever been found in only one lagoon in Greece, but when this body of water was surveyed in 1991, not a single specimen of the Corfu dwarf goby was found. For many years this species was considered extinct. However, after about 20 years, nine new Corfu dwarf gobies were discovered living in the same lagoon. The IUCN Red List classifies these fish as “data-deficient”.
The smallest fish in the world # 6: Chile Rasbora.
Chile Rasbora, or Boraras brigittae, just over three quarters inches long, 19 millimeters. Chili Rasboras are very popular aquarium fish because of their vibrant, intense coloration, and they are a popular addition to nano aquariums due in part to their small size. They are beautiful, dazzling red in color, with shiny black stripes on the fins, as well as one running along the sides. They are native to Borneo and are sometimes called Mosquito Rasboras.
Smallest fish in the world # 5: dwarf goby.
IN Trimmatom nanus, known as the pygmy goby, is the fifth on our list, measuring about 10 millimeters in length. The Midget dwarf goby is a beautiful bright reddish orange with bulging eyes and rail-like fins. These fish live in the Maldives in the Indian Ocean. Although they were discovered in 1981, there is little information about these dwarf gobies, but they are certainly very small and very beautiful!
The smallest fish in the world # 4: dwarf dwarf goby.
Male dwarf dwarf goby, Pygmy pandaka, also known as the Filipino goby, is nine millimeters long, or about one third of an inch. This thin fish has a blunt head and is very transparent. Their only true coloration is dark spots on the body and at the base of the fins. Unfortunately, the dwarf dwarf goby that lives in Southeast Asia is listed as endangered.
The smallest fish in the world # 3: Paedocypris progenetica
This tiny relative of the carp does not have a common name, but Paedocypris progenetica Wonderful fish! The smallest individual is a 7.9 mm female. These fish are found only in a small swamp in Indonesia, and they live in peat, which is 100 times more acidic than acid rain! They were originally discovered in 1996, but were not correctly identified as a new species until 2006.
The smallest fish in the world # 2: a fat young fish.
Some argue that young fish stout, scientific name Schindleria brevipinguis, actually the smallest fish, because it is the lightest fish known, and the male and female are the same small size. There is some conflicting information about how small the males are, as some say the maximum size for males is 6.5 millimeters, while other sources say it is closer to 7.5 millimeters. Females are eight to nine millimeters thick. Since even the smallest dimension – 6.5 millimeters – is larger than 6.2 millimeters, regardless of the size of the female, we put the Stout cub in second place. This skinny, pale yellow calf looks a bit like a tiny banana and is most commonly found in Australia’s Great Barrier Reef.
The smallest fish in the world # 1: Photocorynus spiniceps
Photocorynus spinicepsangler fish is our smallest fish. Males, which are parasitic and attach to much larger females, measure only 6.2 millimeters in length, which is less than a quarter of an inch! In contrast, females can reach 50 millimeters in length, which is double that of the eighth largest fish on this list. In case you didn’t know, the angler fish lives in the deep sea and uses a bio-luminous light bulb to trick its prey into its mouth. Female Photocorynus spinicepsLike other anglers, teeth are very similar to those of Fangtooth, so their prey is unlikely to escape! Translucent males of this species, like scraps of crumpled tissue paper, spend most of their lives clinging to the female and getting nutrients from what she eats, so she always eats more than one.
These are the eight smallest known fish as of 2021, but new animals are discovered all the time, and it is easy for the tiny fish to hide. Maybe in a few years the young boy Stout and this male angler won’t even make the top three!
Next: 9 smallest dogs in the world
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