Motherhood is a once-in-a-lifetime experience for women but getting pregnant isn’t always easy today’s science is extremely beneficial to couples who are unable to produce children from fertilization to egg freezing there’s a plethora of options for getting pregnant the most important thing is to achieve your objective of having a child nancy and chris weiss’s tail is unique
In that they adopted a frozen embryo we don’t commonly hear about this novel fertilization method yet it was how their little moon was born nancy and chris weiss both struggled to conceive for more than two years they attempted to conceive naturally for six months before resorting to ivf after five failed ivf attempts they discovered embryo adoption which involves implanting a frozen embryo from a healthy couple
Nancy became pregnant right away but was taken aback when she discovered the embryo had been frozen in time since february 2004 luna the couple’s daughter was born in december in atlanta georgia after hearing about the embryo adoption process a georgia couple gave birth to a teenage kid nancy and chris weiss tried for more than two years to conceive before giving birth to their daughter luna three
Months ago the atlanta couple tried for a child naturally for six months before switching to ivf after realizing their chances of becoming pregnant had diminished since they met later in life after five failed ivf efforts and a chemical pregnancy they learned about embryo adoption which involves implanting a frozen embryo from a successful marriage despite having a 50 success rate nancy
Became pregnant right away and when she inquired about the procedure she was surprised to learn that hers had been frozen since february 2004 luna her gorgeous daughter was born in december and now the tiny one is perplexing others online who are baffled as to how she’s already a teenager the new parents are attempting to raise awareness of embryo adoption as a viable alternative for couples who are unable to conceive naturally it’s less
Expensive than using an egg donor and is largely unknown whenever i talk about it it still blows me away and i have to break it down into simple terms when discussing it to others nancy a fertility coach said it’s difficult enough to explain ivf let alone informing people that our daughter had been frozen for 13 years i’ve never heard of embryo adoption before then it’s not a widely known procedure few people are aware of it and
It’s far less expensive than other options our embryo adoption procedure costs less than five thousand dollars making it considerably more affordable for couples than hiring an egg donor which may cost up to thirty thousand dollars i had no idea how old the embryos were when we adopted them i assumed they’d been frozen for a few years but she was in february 2004. embryo donation has a 50 success rate
But it worked with the first one we had transferred and she became our luna our miraculous girl was stuck in time for a little over 13 years until i was able to give her a belly to grow into the lovely little baby girl she is today we’d been through the ups and downs of infertility for two and a half years and now talking about where she came from is just another reason why she’s so wonderful we are eternally grateful for this
Generosity our little beautiful pea would not be here if it hadn’t been for the family’s generous donation of their surplus embryos nancy and chris began attempting to conceive just before her 40th birthday and after six months of unsuccessful attempts they decided to seek help from reproductive specialists because we met later in life i knew the egg and sperm quality wouldn’t be as good as it could be at our age he
Explained we felt ivf treatment as well as retrieval of all forms of medicines to increase the creation of eggs to be used to generate embryos would be our best option they tried five times in a year and a half without success but they never gave up despite the toll and anguish that the negative results had on them the first frozen embryo transfer was extremely sad for both of us nancy said
You assume that ivf will work and knowing the science think it will succeed on the first try it was quite upsetting to go through all of that since hormones shake your mind and body and not having great results is pretty difficult being informed you’re not pregnant was terrible because you want it so desperately by that stage but we had to keep going forward we never lost up even after a chemical pregnancy in 2016
In which she miscarried in the first two weeks before the fetus was apparently on scans they remained hopeful no matter what occurred i kept an optimistic attitude and was determined to become a mother one day nancy added the couple learned about embryo donation which involves couples who have had a successful ivf cycle donating their embryos the ivf couple can opt to have their remaining frozen embryos destroyed
Utilized for science or donated to other hopeful parents attempting to conceive once their kid is born nancy explained our nurse coordinator linked us with donors who had comparable qualities and were the closest match everything from their physical appearance to their personal and medical histories including cancer and psychiatric problems there were three sets to pick from and the one we chose would grant us luna
It’s strange that our daughter was waiting for both of us we were told it could take for up to a year to find a match yet it only took three months nancy claims she felt different right immediately after being implanted with the adopted embryo that had been frozen for 13 years it was wonderful it was like i just knew i was pregnant and had a sense she added i woke up that morning to take the test and it came back positive i don’t know
If it’s real but it’s positive fine for my husband we really were excited and cautiously optimistic but we kept calm until we had tests done at the doctors nancy experienced a blissfully amazing pregnancy when the good findings were verified saved from some terrible morning sickness for the first 14 weeks she was in labor for about four days but when she first heard baby luna scream she thought it was all worth it because she was finally a mother
I was in labor from wednesday night until sunday morning and wanted a natural water birth but i had to have a c-section after developing a fever she explained i was advised that c-section newborns are silent but that i shouldn’t be alarmed or concerned if i didn’t hear or make any noise but luna burst out crying and it sounded like angel singing and it was the most beautiful thing i’d ever heard
There’s something about having a child that takes away all your worries we’d been trying to become pregnant for two and a half years and eventually had our daughter nancy and chris who moved from new jersey to atlanta just before starting a family believed they were virtually destined to have a kid we went down here seeking a better quality of life and our daughter luna was waiting for us here it was like
Everything was meant to be she explained instead of consuming myself with doubts that it would never happen for us i always focused on being joyful and nurturing myself it was a difficult job but i credit it with giving me unwavering trust i think it’s about stacking everything when it comes to fertility concerns from healthy diet to taking the right vitamins but most importantly practicing and having a positive mindset
If you don’t believe you’ll be a mother then it’ll get further and further away from you once you start to focus on loving yourself and life regardless of whether you’re pregnant or not it helps you stay on track for success no matter how that baby enters your life what is embryo donation and how does it work what exactly is embryo adoption and how does it differ from embryo donation
Regardless of whether they’re engaging in an embryo adoption or embryo donation program a couple or individual receiving given embryos is often thought to be adopting the embryos patients can use donated frozen embryos in both embryo adoption and embryo donation in the aim of achieving a pregnancy however there are significant differences between the embryo adoption and embryo donation processes
So what is embryo adoption exactly we’ve outlined the similarities and differences on this page to help you decide if embryo adoption or donation is suitable for you as previously stated embryo adoption entails adopting a child as your own embryo adoption rather than being a gift or taking ownership of embryos recognizes each embryo as a child so how does one go about adopting an embryo to begin locate an agency that has
Embryos for adoption or a couple or individual who has embryos for adoption in many embryo adoption programs the donor parents choose the intended parents who would be the recipients of the embryos you may place an ad on a website about yourself and your partner is an intending parent a home study which is a detailed family study complete by a state certified adoption agency is required for many
Embryo adoption companies a legal contract is drawn up between the donor and the recipient it’s fairly uncommon for embryo adoption services to have more stringent criteria for recipients many embryo adoption organizations are based on religious ideas and receivers must be a married heterosexual couple embryo donation is an anonymous process in which patients donate their unused or leftover embryos to their reproductive clinic for future use by other patients the fertility clinic then facilitates the donations.