A teenager parked his car at Walmart in Forest City, Arkansas, and noticed a wallet in a shopping cart. Instead of ignoring it, he set out to find the owner. Little did he know how his kind mission would bless another and himself. Few citizens would go out of their way to return a stranger’s possessions. Thankfully, Delevante Johnson was a one-of-a-kind teen.
When he picked up a woman’s wallet, he didn’t think about keeping it for himself or looking the other way. Instead, he opened the clasp and looked for a form of identification. He found 61-year-old D. Harkrider’s details inside and started on his journey to hand it over to her. It was the beginning of an unforgettable experience.
Johnson had the option of handing the wallet in at the Walmart help desk, but he chose to take matters into his own hands. He was in the store’s pharmacy parking lot to change a tire when he found the wallet. “I wasn’t supposed to be in the parking in that spot, but thank God I was,” he said. The teen didn’t want the owner of the wallet to be worried, so he decided to drive to Harkrider’s home and win. However, he learned she was in Palestine for the day.
The youngster had contacted one of the woman’s friends, Elaine, who called Harkrider. Elaine asked her if she knew Johnson, and the two quickly realized he was a stranger trying to return the missing wallet. Harkrider explained Johnson was on his way to win but then told her he would come to Palestine to bring it to me. So he went out of his way and met me and gave me my wallet back. Harkrider was overwhelmed and in awe of the teenager’s willingness to drive miles for her sake.
She profusely thanked him when they met in the restaurant’s parking lot. She also hugged the 19-year-old and asked to take a photo with him. Johnson’s actions left Harkrider speechless, and she wanted to share it with the world. She knew everyone needed to hear more positive news and couldn’t wait to tell her friends about the random act of kindness she experienced. In her post, she wrote, “Thank you does not even come close to the gratitude I feel for this young man whom I met only today.
A friend told me I was lucky. I told her no, God was watching out for me. Delevante Johnson, I pray that God blesses you beyond any measure. Now I have a new friend.” Harkrider gave her new friend $20 to express her gratitude and wished she could have returned the favor more significantly.
However, Johnson was just happy to have helped the woman and assured her the money was more than he expected. As a college student, Johnson was thankful for the $20, which he said would go towards gas money. Meanwhile, his mother was thrilled to hear about the encounter with Johnson, recalling she said, “I did a good job. I’m glad she raised me to be the man I am today.” Johnson’s mother certainly raised her son with good morals and values.
His desire to help others without expecting anything in return is admirable and inspiring. Since their first encounter, the teen and Harkrider had become digital friends on Facebook, with plans to stay in touch. The woman joked that Johnson was stuck with her now after giving him the praise he deserved. She also expressed, “God watched over me. He brought this angel into my life.
God sends people for a reason into each other’s lives.” Netizens were delighted by Johnson and Harkrider’s story, and many thanked them for bringing a smile to their faces. The online community also applauded the teen and wished him well. “Awesome to know we have some honest young people. Obviously, a good young man at Ava Dam.
Isn’t it amazing there’s still a lot of good in this country? I hope everyone wakes up before it’s too late,” said Jimmy Rainwater. “What an amazing young man. We all should make this well-known on the web and anywhere else for his unselfish and kind actions. It gives you great hope for the future.
Thank you for having a heart of gold,” said Albert Petrie. Losing something is terrible, and people seldom find their items when they go missing in public areas. If not for the kindness of a stranger, Harkrider might never have recovered her wallet. Johnson’s actions might seem simple, but the small moment can make a big difference. Well done to this selfless young man.
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