A mother in the United Kingdom who was advised by medical professionals to terminate her pregnancy and begin the process all over again, has successfully defied the advice. Of those professionals and is now the proud parent of a lovely daughter who is thriving. Wendy Wong, who is 41 years old. And is from Newcastle upon Tyne, claims.
That her daughter was born with a. Condition known as a cystic hygroma. This is a syndrome that causes the accumulation of fluid filled cysts. Before the birth, Savannah was born with a tumor on her neck that was as large as her head. Despite having undergone extensive therapy for the.
Condition, Savannah is doing as well as. Any other five year old child. Wendy and her husband, Alex, who’s 38. Years old and lives in Nevada in. The United States, are telling their experience. To parents all over the world to. Teach them that the illness known as. Cystic hygroma, which affects 1% of babies, can be managed. Wendy shared her story, When I was 22 weeks pregnant, I saw a doctor. Who told me there was a lump.
On my baby’s neck and that he. Would need a couple of weeks to. Do some research on what it may be. Wendy is referring to the time when. She went back to the doctor. She continues, when we went back to. The doctor, he urged me to abort our kid at 24 weeks and that. We could start over, but he made. Us sit for two weeks before he let us leave. She claims that she told him that she could feel the baby moving inside. Her and that she would not be.
Having an abortion so she could feel the baby moving. He indicated that there are two possibilities that I could class the baby as a bad egg or I could go. Through with it and she’ll either die. Inside me after birth or on the operating table, the woman said.
Wendy stated that there was the decision. To seek a second opinion and when. They did, they met a physician who. Assured them that he had seen much more severe instances than theirs and as a result, they made the decision to carry the baby to term. She stated, There are a lot of. Single mothers and families who think they. Can’T have a baby with this condition and I want to tell them that. This condition is manageable and to look.
At my daughter for proof. I want to tell them that this condition is manageable. They were admitted to the hospital for. Two months and then Savannah was discharged. Because of an experimental drug called serial mis. This is an oral medicine that’s added. To Savannah’s milk and helps drain the. Cysts that are located throughout her body.
Now, Savannah recently turned five years old. And is in excellent health. She’s doing extremely well. Alex continued by saying doctors recommended the experimental treatment and it worked so well that watching Savannah every day is the best part of this whole ordeal. The happiness that she brings to us. Can be found in the smallest of. Her accomplishments as much as in those. That are out of the ordinary. This excruciating ailment occurs in 1% of.
Births and has the potential to result. In a 10% probability of survival if. It’S discovered at a later time. It was initially thought that the tumor. That grew on Savannah’s neck might be. Surgically removed, but subsequently it was determined that she had a condition known as cystic hygroma. Recent events include Savannah’s graduation from her preschool and receipt of her first diploma, as well as the celebration of her fifth birthday in London with her family.
And a trip to Newcastle Upon time. To see her extended family there. Wendy stated, I wish everyone knew how. Capable they can be at coping with this conclusion to their pregnancy. Mothers have messaged me online asking about. Savannah and the truth of the situation. I wish everyone knew how capable they can be at living with this conclusion of their pregnancy. I just let them know that there’s nothing that can prevent their child from.
Living a life that’s entirely full, and. I use Savannah as an example of. How true that statement is. I just tell them that there’s nothing. Stopping their child from living a perfectly. Full life and Savannah’s evidence that that’s possible. She explains to the parents, If I. Could change the past so that I. Could go back in time to the. Point when the doctor instructed me to. Get rid of her, I would yell. A lot of insults at him. He was very analytical about everything and.
He simply believed that since he was a doctor, we should listen to him. Trying to conceive a child is not. An easy process and he was quite analytical about it. Alex expressed his and his wife’s gratitude by saying, we are glad that we. Didn’T and now we have an amazing daughter in our lives We are relieved that Wendy and Alex did not follow the advice of the. Medical professional and had the pregnancy terminated.
Instead, they exercised patients and welcomed their daughter into the world with jubilation. Take a look at Savannah. She’s the epitome of what it means. To be healthy and happy. Praise God. What exactly is a case of Cystic hygroma? A cystic hydroma is a sack or cyst that’s filled with fluid and arises. Most frequently on the neck of your. Infant as a result of a deformity in the lymphatic system or an obstruction to the system. Your lymphatic system is made up of.
A collection of organs and tissues that. Are responsible for moving lymph fluid, which is a watery fluid that’s packed with. White blood cells through your bloodstream and circulatory system so that waste and toxins can be eliminated. Cystic hygromas can show up on an. Ultrasound during pregnancy, or they can show. Up as a bump or bulge beneath the skin of your newborn infant after they’re delivered. If the hygroma forms during pregnancy, there’s.
A possibility that the pregnancy will end. In a stillbirth or a miscarriage. Who does a cystic hygroma affect? Because acoustic hygroma may be the result. Of a genetic mutation that alters the way the lymphatic system forms during field development, it’s possible for any infant to be born with this condition. Children identified with a genetic disease such as down syndrome, Turner syndrome, or Newton. Syndrome may be more likely to develop. Cystic hygromas than children without such a diagnosis. Cystic hygromas are also capable of developing in adults following an incident or physical trauma or an infection of the respiratory tract.
How common is the condition known as a cystic hygroma? Only 6% of all benign or noncancerous tumors that occur in early childhood are cystic hygromas, making them an extremely uncommon type of tumor. Adults very infrequently develop cystic hygromas. Why does a cystic hygroma develop? It’s not known. What exactly causes Acosta Chicagoma to develop. In cases where adults are affected, the cyst develops as a result of damage to the lymphatic system that occurs during fetal development. In circumstances where adults are affected, the cyst develops as a result of physical.
Trauma or respiratory infection. Damage to the lymphatic system causes lymph fluid to pool under the skin rather than move into the bloodstream. This can generate a bulge or saclike. Development of fluid in the affected area. According to a number of studies, cystic hygromas may be the result of exposure. To environmental variables such as smoking or consuming alcohol during pregnancy. Cystic hygromas may be caused, according to. The findings of some other studies, by.
Genetic alterations or mutations that have an effect on the development of the lymphatic system. Cystic hygromas can develop on their own. Most of the time, but occasionally they. Appear in conjunction with other genetic diseases. Such as down syndrome, Turner syndrome, or Newton syndrome. How is cystic hygroma determined to be present? Before the age of two, your child. Will have a diagnosis to determine whether. Or not they have a cystic hygrooma.
A diagnosis of cystic hygroma can be made during pregnancy with the use of standard prenatal ultrasound procedures. This diagnosis can be confirmed with the. Use of a blood test that looks for Alpha Theta protein between the ages. Of 15 and 20 weeks. Your child may have a predisposition to cystic hygromas if prenatal tests indicate that they have an abnormal number of chromosomes, and your health care provider will carefully monitor the development of your fetus to ensure that it’s healthy. If prenatal tests indicate that your child has an abnormal number of chromosomes, your.
Child may have a predisposition to cystic hygromas. After the birth of your child, your healthcare practitioner will perform a physical examination of the cyst in addition to ordering. An X ray, ultrasound, or MRI in order to confirm the diagnosis and provide. A treatment plan that’s specific to your child’s condition. What kind of treatment is given for cystic hygroma the treatment for Cystic hygroma is individualized for each child who’s been. Diagnosed with the condition.
In order to treat the system effectively. Your healthcare professional will attempt at all. Possible to remove it. There are rare instances in which treatment is not required since the cyst might. Disappear on its own. In other instances, the cyst can come back after treatment if the lymphatic system. Was damaged in the process. The outcome of treatment might be unpredictable but it’s generally favorable if your surgeon is able to successfully remove all the aberrant and surprise tissue from the cyst.