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Animal Haven Zoo in Wisconsin flagrantly violated USDA regulations by taking a three-week-old tiger cub to a local school and posting it on Facebook, leading to the USDA being quoted for mishandling. The agency said public contact with big cat pups under 4 weeks old is a violation of federal animal welfare laws due to the risk of exposing these sensitive babies to disease, infection and stress. Babies of big cats, used for petting and photo shoots, are taken from their mothers within days of birth and passed from person to person when they need to sleep and breastfeed like any other mammal.
Posted by Roadside Zoo News Monday 24 May 2021
Animal Haven cared little for the welfare of this cub or other animals at the roadside zoo. He acquired big cats from dubious traders such as Joe Exotic and placed them in miserable, dilapidated cages without any additives, where they were observed at a pacing pace – a sign of psychological distress. Animal Haven also recently allowed a local woman with no big cat experience to “raise” three cubs of tigers in her home for several weeks before apparently transporting two cubs to another shady roadside zoo.
In nature, tigers stay with their mothers for over two years and patrol up to 965 square miles. Treating cubs like props and placing them in sterile cages like those in Animal Haven is a form arrogance, the worldview of supporters of human superiority.
Please convince Animal Haven to send these animals to true accredited sanctuaries where they can finally receive the care they desperately need.
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