Nature creates many strange creatures, but probably one of the strangest creatures on earth is the battleship. This animal looks like it is wearing armor and its name means “small armored”. Some people think that armadillos are amphibians or reptiles, but they are not. They are mammals.
5 surprising facts about armadillos
- Armadillos eat a variety of insects, including fire ants.
- Only the three-lane battleship and the Brazilian battleship collapse into armored balloons when threatened.
- They can run up to 30 miles per hour.
- Armadillos are excellent swimmers and can hold their breath underwater.
What is a mammal?
Highway: Every mammal is a vertebrate, that is, an animal with a spine. Other animals have spines, but they don’t meet other criteria for mammals.
Fur or hair: All mammals have fur or hair on their skin. Some marine mammals do not have hair, but they do meet other requirements to be mammals.
Sweat glands: Mammals are the only animals that sweat. The ability to sweat helps mammals regulate body temperature. Some marine mammals do not have sweat glands because they live in the ocean.
Live young: Only mammals give birth to live babies. They also feed their young. The only exception to this rule is monotremes. They are mammals that lay eggs but also feed their young.
Occipital condyles: This is the scientific name for the two bony protrusions at the base of the animal’s skull. Only mammals have them. Reptiles and fish have a single bump on the skull.
Now let’s see how the battleship compares to this list.

Do battleships have these characteristics?
Highway: An armadillo is a vertebrate animal.
Fur or hair: This is where it gets confusing. The armadillo is covered in tough, scaled armor that doesn’t look like fur or hair. In fact, it is made from keratin, which is one of the constituents of hair, horns and nails. The shell of the armadillo is soft at first. As the shell grows, it hardens.
Sweat glands: Armadillos have sweat glands and use various methods to regulate their body temperature.
Live young: Armadillos give birth to live cubs. They usually have a large litter of up to 15 armadillo pups. Their babies are called puppies and twins are common.
Occipital condyles: You can’t see them underneath all this armor, but they are there.
The evidence is clear. Armadillos are mammals.
How many types of battleships are there?
There are 21 types of battleships. Only the nine-lane battleship lives in the United States. Other types include:
Most armadillos are quite large and come in earthy shades of gray, black, and brown. However, the pink magic armadillo stands out for its tiny size and vibrant coloration. It is a tiny creature about six inches long and has a bright pink carapace.
The giant brown armadillo is the largest member of the family. It can be 5 feet long. The screaming hairy armadillo gets its name from shaggy armor and loud, shrill screams.
Are they reptiles?
It is easy to see why some people think they are reptiles. This tough, scaly hide is similar to what a crocodile or lizard might have.
Reptiles are not mammals, although they do share some common features with mammals, such as the spine. However, on other points they miss the mark. They do not give birth to live young, do not feed offspring, and they are more cold-blooded than warm-blooded.
Armadillos are not reptiles.

Are they pangolins?
The pangolin also has an armored body and a love of eating insects. Also known as the scaly anteater, it resembles an armadillo in size and shape.
Biologists originally thought these armored mammals were related, but they now classify pangolins into a separate category. These animals live in different regions of the world. Pangolins live in Asia and Africa, and armadillos live in the southwestern United States.
Are they rodents?
Armadillos are not rodents. Some species of flying squirrels are described as “scaly tails,” but the similarities end there. Rodents have sharp incisors and love nuts and seeds. The battleships do not have these features.
They are not marsupials either.
Armadillos are sometimes mistaken for possums because they are the same size. Opossums carry babies in a pouch and are the only marsupials native to the United States.
Where do armadillos live?
Armadillos live in nests called burrows. They dig up these nests with their short legs and sturdy claws. These tough guys prefer to live in loose, loamy or soft soil that is easy to dig.
They often set up several burrows throughout their territory. They love to climb into their underground caves to cool off on hot days.
Armadillos – mammals
Like rabbits, lynxes, pandas, and humans, armadillos are members of the mammalian family. These burrowing animals may have scales, but they meet all other mammalian criteria.
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