Blue whales are among the most magnificent creatures on Earth. Their huge size is hard to understand with whales that grow up to 30 meters in length. That’s the length of three school buses parked end-to-end! Blue whales are the largest animal in the world and have few if any predators…except humans. Which begs the question: Are blue whales endangered?
Are Blue Whales Endangered Today?
Yes, as of 2021, the blue whale is classified as endangered by the IUCN. They are also protected by various laws and regulations, such as the Endangered Species Act in the United States (more about laws protecting whales below).
The effects humans have had on whales in general and on blue whales in particular have been dramatic over the years. Commercial whaling began in the 11e century and continued until we as a society agreed that the destruction of whale populations had to stop. Start 20e century, governments realized they had to do something to manage the whaling industry and ultimately to protect the whales. After World War II, the countries responsible for the majority of whaling formed the ICRW (International Convention for the Regulation of Whaling) which in turn established the IWC (International Whaling Commission). They created rules but these were difficult to enforce and whaling continued for years until 1986 when an international ban on whaling came into effect, it was extremely effective. Whaling has stopped all over the world and is still illegal. However, three countries are ignoring the ban and continuing commercial whaling; Japan, Norway and Iceland.
According to Greenpeace, “Antarctic blue whales are at less than 1 percent of their native population.” Despite their size, blue whales are historically difficult to count and are spread over an incredible area. Recently, scientists have started using advanced technologies such as artificial intelligence to get a better count of blue whale populations. While it is believed that blue whales in the southern hemisphere are seeing an “astonishing” revival in recent years, it is widely believed that their global population will not exceed 25,000 by 2021. As of 2018, the IUCN estimated that Antarctic populations of blue whales still numbered only 3,064 mature adults.
It is clear that commercial whaling has had a devastating effect on whale and blue whale populations. The ban on commercial whaling has made a significant difference to their survival and has saved thousands of whales’ lives. There are still many threats to these species and they are still listed as endangered by the Endangered Species Act and the IUCN. Let’s take a look at why blue whales are facing extinction, what are still the biggest threats and what we are doing about it.
Why were blue whales hunted in the past?
Commercial whaling has caused the decline and near extinction of the blue whale. The main reason whales were in such high demand was their whale oil. in the 18e and 19e century, the oil of the whales was used as fuel for the lights and lanterns in so many homes and businesses. It was also used as a lubricant during the industrial revolution. The mouth hairs (baleens) of baleen whales like the bowhead whale were used in women’s corsets and the special oil of sperm whales was used to make candles and as a lubricant. Blue whales, the largest whale, had the most mass and the most blubber and oil and were therefore a prized commodity.
Why are Blue Whales Threatened: The Top 5 Threats to Blue Whales Today
1. Ship Attacks
The more shipping lanes to the blue whale area increase, the more blue whales are affected by ships causing death. According to the IUCN (International Union for Conservation of Nature and Natural Resources), there is a breeding area for blue whales just off the coast of Sri Lanka. This area has become increasingly crowded for shipping over the years and in turn has resulted in an increase in blue whales hit by ships that cause deaths and injuries. As ships get bigger and faster, the threat to blue whales increases. A proposed solution to reduce ship attacks in this area was to move the shipping lanes further from the shoreline, giving these whales more space.
2. Entanglement in fishing nets
The World Wildlife Fund is working with the IWC to help the blue whales in the Gulf of Corcovado in southern Chile. This area has a lot salmon farms and industrial fishing, causing problems for the blue whales that use this particular area as a feeding ground. In addition to an increase in ship collisions in this area, there are also whales that get entangled in the fishing nets. The nets can cut off circulation, prevent them from rising to the surface for air and hinder their ability to get food, leading to famine. The World Wildlife Fund is tagging whales in this area to see which routes they use most in an effort to limit fisheries overlap.
In another part of the world, a recent report from the BBC says, “As many as 60% of blue whales in Canada’s Gulf of St. Lawrence have come into contact with fishing lines and nets, based on scars seen in images captured by drones.”
3. Climate change
Blue whales are quite adaptive when it comes to living in cold or warm water. So why would climate change affect them? The problem is with their food source. Blue whales eat almost exclusively krill, with some eating up to 6 tons of krill a day! Krill populations are declining due to climate change and an increase in ocean acidity. The acidity in the ocean affects the krill’s ability to build its shell. This is not only a problem for blue whales, but for many species, from penguins to seals depend on these food sources. Scientists are studying phytoplankton, krill’s food source, to find ways to ensure the constant a
ilability of these small players in the ecosystem.
4. Habitat Loss
Blue whales are found in Alaska, New England, Pacific Islands, Southeast and West Coast waters. If areas where the blue whales feed, breed and mate change, there is a danger that they will not be able to adapt to the changes of the new habitat. Offshore energy production sites impact whale populations and the recreational use of more and more waters that are habitats for whales. MPAs or Marine Protected Area programs help reserve areas to protect blue whales and many species from habitat loss.
5. Noise pollution
Whales have a sensitive hearing and communication system. We are familiar with the humpback whales songs that are comprehensive and can be recorded underwater. Blue whales also use a system of songs and sounds for communication and as part of mating. Their moans and groans are some of the loudest and can travel up to 1,000 miles through the water. If whales are communicating to begin a migration or to evade a predator and the message is interrupted by passing ships or naval sonar, you can begin to understand why this is getting dangerous. There have also been incidents of whale stranding that may have been caused by the whales surfacing too quickly due to ocean noise and, similar to a diver, suffering from decompression sickness. Conservationists are studying ways to reduce noise pollution and respect the healthy environment of marine animals.
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