For immediate release:
August 12, 2021
Nicole Meyer 202-483-7382
Valle Joncan, Quebec – A whistleblower told PETA that Olymel’s failure to authorize a strike at a local slaughterhouse resulted in farmers getting rid of pigs in the pig’s back-up supply chain by shutting off the ventilation systems of the barns, causing thousands of pigs to slowly die of heatstroke. and choking. PETA today sent a letter to Rejean Nadeau, President and CEO of Olymel, and David Duvall, President of the Quebec Pig Breeders Association, urging that immediate action be taken to ban the killing of pigs by any form of “ventilation shutdown”. “
“PETA has reported that hundreds of thousands of other pigs are at risk of being roasted alive in stuffy barns,” said Daphne Nakhminovic, PETA’s senior vice president of cruelty to investigate. “After years of profiting from the suffering of pigs, the least Olymel and its suppliers could do was give these animals the least painful and least violent death possible – and if they don’t, they should be blamed for animal cruelty. … “
In the meat industry, workers cut piglets’ tails, cut their teeth with pliers and castrate males – all without any pain relief. In the slaughterhouse, workers hang pigs upside down, sometimes while they are still conscious, and bleed out. As a vegan organization, PETA opposes the slaughter of animals for food, but points out that superimposing one form of cruelty on top of another, subjecting pigs to a slow, horrific death, is unacceptable.
PETA, whose motto is in part that “the animals are not ours to eat” – opposes arrogance, a worldview focused on human superiority. For more information please visit or subscribe to the group on Twitter, Facebook, or Instagram…