Many have a sugar tooth. This is a common feature of many people. We love to eat cakes, chocolate, toffee and all kinds of sweets, and in childhood, the arrival of the holidays meant that we would have a lot of sweets. But when it comes to health, eating sugar isn’t really good. However, if you pay attention to these signs, you will know that you are eating too much sugar, and this will help you control your sugar intake before you are diagnosed with diabetes.
- Constant hunger

If you consume a lot of sugar, you feel hungry all the time. This happens when high blood sugar prevents glucose from entering cells. Thus, the body does not receive enough energy and will constantly request food to satisfy this energy need.
2.increased fatigue

When high blood sugar prevents the body from absorbing and storing glucose properly, the cells in the body are not getting the fuel they need. Therefore, you always feel tired, even if you are not doing anything tedious.
3.frequent urination

If blood sugar levels are high, the kidneys cannot reabsorb fluid. So, your body will be in a constant struggle to equalize the concentration of glucose in the blood and cells. As a result, you constantly want to urinate.
4. Dry mouth and intense thirst.

When the body lacks fluids, it always asks for more, and as a result, you feel very thirsty many times. This happens when the hypothalamus sends a signal to the brain.
5.weight loss

If you are consuming enough sugar, losing weight is a sign of this. high release, constant fat burning and low urine fluid levels all combine to cause body weight loss. If you feel that you are significantly losing weight, then it is better for you to see a doctor.
6.blurry vision

If your body is dehydrated, it also affects the cells in the eye, and therefore your vision may blur and you find it difficult to focus.
7.dry skin

8. Irritability.

Research shows that people with high blood sugar are more irritable, depressed, and anxious. The constant ups and downs in glucose levels in the body are a result of this mood change.
9. impotence

High blood sugar interferes with healthy erections. thus, there will be problems maintaining an erection.
10. very slow healing of wounds and cuts.

As a result of high sugar levels, vascular lesions and wounds take a long time to heal because the body tissues lack nutrients.