Baby beluga whales are some of the most unique whales in the entire ocean. They have special qualities that set them apart from other species. They also sing a beautiful song that inspired their nickname: canary of the ocean.
Read on to learn 5 baby facts about belugas and to see 5 adorable baby pictures!
#1: Baby beluga whales can swim backwards
Baby beluga whales are some of the most amazing whales in the ocean. Not only are they very differently shaped, with bulbous, oil-filled heads, but they are also the only whale that can swim backwards! Belugas can also blow bubbles, which other whale species cannot.
These are not the only characteristics that make beluga calves unique. As they grow, they become shed their outer layer of skin to make room for more size in a process called molting. And that’s not all!
Baby belugas are also the only whale that does not have a dorsal fin. Since they live in the Arctic, they must be able to withstand extremely low temperatures. These fins would allow too much heat to escape from their bodies, which could be fatal. This, combined with a thick layer of blubber under their skin, allows the whales to survive in the cold.
#2: Beluga Whale Babies Are Born With Dark Skin
One of the most recognizable features of beluga whales is their stark white skin. However, you may be surprised to learn that when they are born, they do not have the pale complexion that you are used to seeing. Instead, they are born with darker skin that ranges from dark gray to grayish shades.
Scientists believe that the darker hue baby beluga sports may be an evolutionary trait to protect them from predators. White skin can make the young whales clear to predators. Dark skin, on the other hand, offers more camouflage and makes it more difficult to spot them underwater.
#3: Beluga Babies Can’t Breathe Underwater!
You may be wondering how it is possible for a be animal like a beluga calf unable to breathe underwater. It’s true. Because beluga whales do not have gills, they cannot convert water into oxygen. Instead, they breathe by coming to the surface and taking a breath.
While below the surface, baby beluga whales can hold their breath for up to 15 minutes. This is how they can swim around underwater without having to constantly come up for air like a human would.
But what about when the water’s surface is frozen? If beluga calves can’t get to the sky, they have another amazing way to survive. Under icy water there are air bubbles. Beluga whales can detect these pockets and extract enough air from them to survive. Awesome!
#4: Beluga calves use echolocation to navigate their environment
Baby beluga whales have excellent eyesight both underwater and above the surface. That’s why it’s like this amazing that these creatures also have echolocation. When belugas use echolocation, they make a sound that bounces off their surroundings. When the sounds return to the beluga melon, they can see a map of their surroundings.
However, beluga calves don’t just use echolocation to look around. This fantastic, unique ability also makes it easier for them to hunt. It can also be used to communicate with other whales around them. They can also change the shape of their melon to send and receive sound. Pretty cool, huh?
#5: Baby Beluga Whales Are Called Sea Canaries
Did you know that belugas and their calves are often called canaries of the sea? This is because they are some of the most talkative creatures in the ocean. This is partly due to their ability to use echolocation to look around and communicate with each other.
The sounds that beluga whales make are also beautiful. They sound like undersea songs and have such an impact that many people have a passion for conservation. These people claim that the sea should be filled with the beauty of a beluga’s song.
What does a baby beluga’s voice sound like? Many people describe the beluga’s singing voice as a mix of clicking, chirping, lowing, beeping and whistling. That’s quite an eclectic mix!
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