A young boy of eight offers the elderly widow who lost her money outside a store all of his cash. A week later, the elderly woman shows up at his home with a special guest and a small token of her appreciation for the young man.
Kevin softly tapped his toy hammer against his piggy bank, which made the sound clink clink clink. He had a dejected expression as he regarded it wanting to assist Mrs Murphy, but not wanting to shatter it. “I’m gonna break you, pigsy, and i’m sorry. Mrs murphy needs your assistance right away, but i guess i’ll be okay”.
In order to throw the piggy bank to the ground kevin lifted it up, shut his eyes and did so. A clatter of coins filled the space as his beloved pigsy broke apart.
Kevin had seen an advertisement outside of Mrs Murphy’s home earlier that day, while he was walking past the community park, the 88 year old widow, who had misplaced 150 of her funds at the neighbourhood grocery shop, had asked the finder to give her the money back, because she desperately needed it. An idea came to Kevin as he stood there gazing at the advertisement.
He quickly went to a stuffed animal pigsy and made the decision to assist Mrs Murphy. He had huge intentions and didn’t want to give up the money he had been saving. All this time he came to the realization that Mrs Murphy needed it more. Therefore, he gave it up in her favor.
He broke the piggy bank and counted the money finding a total of 170. He raced to Mrs Murphy’s house after stuffing the twenty dollar bill in his study drawer table and remaining cash in his pocket.
The elderly woman was shocked to discover an eight-year-old standing in her doorway with a big grin on his face when she opened the door. “Yes, honey. May i be of assistance?”, Kevin exclaimed, “I got your money”, as he took out coins and crumpled dollar notes from his piggy bank, “I counted it to 150.”.
“Oh dear, did you discover this outside the supermarket?”, “No, i didn’t” Kevin answered, “I was saving this money for my skateboard until i had to smash pixie my piggy bank and that’s okay, i’m happy to help you”.
Mrs Murphy clutched the cash in her shaking hands, tears welling in her eyes. “Oh thank you very much. What’s your name little man? Do you live here?”. “Kevin’s my name”, he said, “I’m a few homes away, and i know how much money you need. Mrs murphy, my mother once told me that you aren’t wealthy”. With tears in her eyes, the elderly woman gave him a hug. “I had saved that money to visit my newborn grandchild, but after losing it I couldn’t travel. Now that I get it back. I guess I’ll go visit my family. Thank you. You have a heart of gold honey.”
“It’s alright”, Kevin said, “Tell them I helped you when you meet them”. Mrs murphy grinned despite crying, “Sure, I’ll do that”. A week later, kevin was watching his favorite show in his room when his mother yelled to him, “Someone’s waiting to see you Kevin”, “Mom, come here”, Kevin hurried downstairs and peered through the door to see a young man standing there. He inquired, “who are you, sir?”.
Mrs Murphy was behind him grinning. “Hello, kevin”, mrs murphy, said in response. “This is my son peter, and we have a little gift for you. I was able to visit my grandchild because of you”, Peter handed kevin an envelope containing 10 times as much money as he had given Mrs murphy.
It was a total of one thousand five hundred dollars. Kevin’s mother said, “Oh god, that’s a lot of money. We can’t keep it. What did kevin do? I don’t see why you’re giving it to him”, When Mrs Murphy finished telling the entire tale, kevin’s mother gazed at her son while crying “pigsy was so beloved. So did you really break him? Did you do that honey?”.
“Mom, I liked it, but you always tell me how we should help those who are in need, so i had to break it and i’m a big boy now, so i won’t miss pigsy”, “And not just that”, Mrs murphy said, “However, kevin is so youthful and considerate that his comments simply touched my heart and i had to come back and thank him in person. Although other people came to my house to help me, it was incredibly sweet of all of them.”
His mother embraced him and said: “oh kevin sweetheart, you accomplished a fantastic thing and i’m so proud of you”. He wailed, “Mom, i’m not a baby anymore. Look at us! This is embarrassing”. Mrs Murphy and Peter smiled in response.
The kindness you show others is rewarded in the most surprising ways.
Kevin really wanted to get himself a skateboard, but he gave up his money to help. Mrs murphy, in return for his kindness, peter and mrs murphy, gave him ten-fold the amount with which she could get.
Not one or two, but so many skateboards help others in need. If you can and don’t leave them in trouble, kevin had a kind heart to understand Mrs murphy wasn’t rich and her savings mattered a lot to her, so he broke his piggy bank and gave up his savings so that he could visit her grandson.
Read More: Woman Gives All Her Savings to Homeless Man, Wakes Up To $2M On Her Doorstep