For immediate release:
Jul 19, 2021
David Pearl 202-483-7382
Norfolk, Virginia. – Having learned from PETA France how animals used in tourist attractions suffer physically and mentally, an international travel company Club Med has just released a new animal welfare guide and will stop promoting elephant trekking, whale and dolphin shows, bullfighting, and animal photo sessions. The policy, which came into force in August this year, also includes a ban on fur in the company’s boutiques and recommendations for sterilization / neutering in countries with a large number of stray animals. Also included are tips for avoiding pesticides to protect the environment for humans and all other living things, even the smallest animals we live with on our planet.
“Unlike the happy Club Med vacationers who travel the world, animals used for entertainment can never relax with their family or partners,” says Mimi Bekhechi, vice president of international programs for the UK PETA Foundation. “Club Med, along with Airbnb, Tripadvisor and Booking.com, encourages people to entertain themselves without supporting animal suffering at SeaWorld, swim with dolphins, or other violent exhibitions.”
In nature, killer whales and other dolphins form complex relationships and travel tens of miles daily, however, marine amusement parks squeeze them into concrete cells where they cannot sense ocean currents, enjoy life, or even swim more than a few yards anywhere. a life. The big cats, monkeys and parrots used for tourist selfies are usually kept in sterile cages, and the big cats are sometimes killed when they get too big to control. Elephants are trained to obey.
Club Med joins a long list of companies including United Airlines, British Airways Holidays, Virgin Holidays, WestJet and JetBlue, as well as many individual AAA clubs (such as Arizona, Colorado, Minneapolis, Northeast, Northern California, Nevada and Utah; and Washington), which stopped promoting SeaWorld and more than 50 travel companies that arranged elephant trekking.
PETA – whose motto is partly that “animals are not ours to be used for entertainment” – opposes arrogance, a worldview focused on human excellence. For more information please visit SeaWorldOfHurt.com or subscribe to PETA on Twitter, Facebook, or Instagram…
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