What is a dewclaw?
Every pet owner loves to cuddle and groom their pup because they know every mark and spot that makes their precious pet their beloved. The feet are especially interesting. If you look while clipping their nails, you will most likely see five nails on their front legs and four nails on their back legs. If you see an extra, you might be looking at a dewclaw.
A dewclaw looks a lot like a thumb, although it doesn’t give the dog almost the same agility as it does a man. At the back, it acts as a big toe. To determine if this figure is a dewclaw, feel the joint to determine if it is connected to the leg (which it should be). When attached by bone, the dewclaw often helps dogs gain better traction when running or turning on slippery surfaces. Some dogs even use them to get a better grip on their toys or to climb out of the water. Unfortunately, if the dewclaw is only held by the skin, it serves little purpose or purpose in keeping them. Read on to learn about everything you need to know about dewclaws.
Dewclaw removal: what, why, when and how
What: What is Dewclaw Removal?
Dewclaw removal is a surgical procedure that involves removing the digit known as dewclaw. It removes the entire claw, which is usually located along the front and hind legs. Some veterinarians and pet owners believe that this removal is unnecessarily cruel, just as they declaim a cat, arguing that the procedure is not necessary.
For most dog owners, removal is never a concern on their mind. These claws can be safely kept intact without any harm to the dog. However, to properly remove them, great care is needed to keep dressings clean while the stitches are healing. Most often, these procedures are performed on dewclaws, which are much rarer. Dewclaws on the front paws are more helpful to the dog, so it can be difficult to find a vet to perform the procedure.
Why: Reasons to Remove Dewclaws
Several factors play a role in whether or not to remove a dewclaw. One thing you should know about dewclaws is that the front dewclaws should not be removed for the most part. However, in rare cases, this digit can be damaged or become infected. The determining factor in their removal has mostly to do with the best interest of the dog.
As a way to avoid injury, some vets recommend removing the rear dewclaws to prevent the dog from injuring itself. Fortunately, injury to the hind legs is also rare, which is why there is so much debate about whether these surgeries really have a preventative necessity.
Most pet owners who remove dewclaws do so as a cosmetic procedure, improving its appearance for shows and competitions. Some dogs have dewclaw injuries that damage the digit beyond repair. It can be broken, split, infected, ingrown, or even removed. When this type of damage occurs, it is best to see a vet.
When: The best age to remove dewclaws
If you choose to remove dewclaws from your dog’s paws altogether, time is of the essence. The two most common times to remove dewclaws are within five days of birth or when the dog is spayed/neutered (which is about 12 weeks old). Dealing with this extra figure early will ensure that the dog does not experience any permanent damage or difficulty walking.
The only other times the dewclaws are usually removed is in the case of an injury or infection. Otherwise, it is not necessary to remove this part of the foot regularly. While it was once a common procedure, vets seem to have changed their minds about its necessity in recent decades and fall into the same category as tail docking and ear cropping.
While puppies often do not have pain-relieving medication during this procedure, older animals typically undergo general anesthesia.
How To: Maintain or Remove Dewclaws
While dewclaws may seem a little odd, they are relatively easy to care for. They can be trimmed like other nails, so no special care products are needed. Lots of active breeds tend to wear down their nails naturally, including their dewclaws. However, sedentary dogs should have them trimmed to prevent breakage and infection. They may also need to be trimmed more often because they don’t reach the ground.
If you choose to remove them, this procedure should be performed by a veterinarian. The procedure itself is relatively simple, taking only about a minute to complete. But because there is bone and skin to cut through to reach the dewclaw, it is incredibly painful for newborn puppies. Usually not even a general anesthetic is used, but some vets inject the paw with lidocaine (which still hurts the puppy).
Healing from dewclaw removal is quite simple, but there is always a chance that the nail will grow back or the incision site may become infected without proper care. Usually bandages need to be kept on the legs for about 10 days, and some dogs need to wear an Elizabethan collar to prevent them from chewing the site.
Is dewclaw removal necessary?
After learning everything you need to know about dewclaws, the short answer is no. There is no real medical benefit to dewclaw removal for a healthy dog. While an infection may be sufficient reason for some pet owners to remove the claw, there are also antibiotics and other treatment options. If the dewclaw is impossible to save, the discussion to remove it should always be with a veterinarian.
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