Amaya, a six-year-old killer whale, died at SeaWorld, and an informant told PETA that her death could have been avoided.
When 3-month-old Kiara (the last killer whale to be born at SeaWorld) died, PETA and countless supporters called on the marine park company to stop postponing the construction of marine sanctuaries for other killer whales trapped in its cage-like reservoirs. Then the Killer Whale died (a former SeaWorld trainer called her apparent deterioration “an incredibly painful way to die”), and again we renewed our call for SeaWorld to take on the coastal shelter program, as we did after the death of Kayla the killer whale in 2019. But SeaWorld ignored hundreds of thousands of people pleading with it to do better (and PETA’s 2020 offer of a quarter million dollars to build a coastal sanctuary). Now Amaya is also dead, and abuseMent Park’s cramped reservoirs and apparently incompetent staff could have had a lot to do with her death at SeaWorld in San Diego.
‘Suddenly and unexpectedly:’ SeaWorld’s youngest killer whale in San Diego died https://t.co/hg5YQyrdc5 pic.twitter.com/DHaaeLINWc
– New York Post (@nypost) 20 August 2021
On August 19, when SeaWorld confirmed Amaya had died, PETA had already filed a complaint with the USDA earlier this week asking for an investigation after receiving two reports from whistleblowers about the incident that may have caused her death. If whistleblower reports are correct, she died a few days after SeaWorld workers brought all 10 killer whales together, despite a documented history of aggression among some of them, leading to Amaya chasing, robbing and injuring Corky’s much older killer whale. who could strike back. Overnight.
“[Amaya’s death] could have been avoided if management had not put all 10 [orcas] together, “a PETA informant said, saying:”[G]oh and see Corky and all her fresh traces from the already dead … Amaya.
PETA is now demanding a full external investigation into whether SeaWorld’s incompetence remains Crusts injured, and Amaya is dead at the age of 6.
Amaya was born at SeaWorld in San Diego in 2014 and has always known only the concrete chamber as home. Her father may have been Ulises, who married Kalia (whose mother was Killer Whale) at SeaWorld in San Diego, but Kalia was also raped via artificial insemination to ensure she got pregnant before Amaya was born. Since there is no independent DNA test to confirm paternity, and veterinarians previously claimed that Ulises was infertile, it has been argued that Kalia was either artificially fertilized with the sperm of another killer whale – possibly Tilikum, whose death in 2017 sparked the #EmptyTheTanks movement – or by inbreeding with her. Nakai’s brother.
Kalia (killer whale in @ Sea world) is pregnant. It is sad that her child will not have time to swim in the ocean.
RT if you agree! pic.twitter.com/yvBVLguoks
– MAP (@map) April 21, 2014
At rest in the ocean, female killer whales can live up to 80 years, but Amaya, Kayla (30 years old), Kasatka (42 years old) and Chiara (3 months old) – female killer whales who recently died in the SeaWorld tank – all died before reaching its natural lifespan. “Forty killer whales have died on the SeaWorld watch,” we announced in July 2017.[I]it’s time for abusement park to move the remaining animals to seaside reserves until the death toll reached 41. ” Less than a month later Kasatka became 41st.st orca to die in the Seaworld. In 2019, Kayla became 42nd.nd…
Amaya – 43 years oldrd orca to die at SeaWorld – never deserved to be the victim of the abuse and death of a marine park company. None of them did it.
Amaya, a 6-year-old killer whale, has just died in a reservoir on # Sea world perhaps due to incompetence.
REPEAT if you think her death should be investigated! pic.twitter.com/ySF3ra3fcL
– MAP (@map) 20 August 2021
While PETA is pushing for a full and independent investigation into these troubling whistle-blower allegations, you too can speak up on behalf of other SeaWorld prisoners. Too late for Amaya and others, but for Corky, Ulises, Kalia and many more, we must urge SeaWorld to end decades of orca torment:
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