Of all the creatures hiding in the vast depths of the ocean, the great white shark inspires more terror and awe in humans than anything else. This formidable animal, which makes a real show in the water, is the largest predatory fish in the world (although not the largest predatory marine animal; this crown is taken by the killer whale). A typical specimen is 11 to 16 feet long and weighs several thousand pounds.
Females are usually larger than males, probably because they need an extra size to carry their babies. From the moment they are born, large whites are already large: they emerge from the womb 4 feet in length and then grow about 10 inches per year until they reach their full adult length (this takes about 10 years for males and 15 years for females. ). Scientists can find out their ages by counting the rings that form on the vertebrae.
It is believed that some members of this species live for about 70 years.

White: more than meets the eye
However, the great white shark is not only about its size. These are amazingly intelligent and curious animals. Mostly lonely, they are thought to establish some sort of dominance hierarchy by gathering together in groups. They also migrate long distances between feeding and mating sites.
However, their size and ferocity are important aspects of their predatory lifestyle. They have an unusually powerful bite force, estimated to be around 18,000 Newtons (high in absolute terms, although not as high in relation to body size as the Tasmanian devil or Nile crocodile). They also have multiple rows of roughly 300 serrated teeth to cut through flesh.
Great white sharks hunt their prey in short bursts, bite off (if they cannot swallow it whole), and let it bleed in the water. Then they tear the flesh and swallow it whole. Their favorite foods are fish (such as halibut), seals (especially the elephant seal), whale carcasses, and even dolphins. Although these sharks are known to attack humans, only about 300 white shark deaths have been reported.
It has been suggested that shark attacks are due to misidentification (we may look like shark seals), sheer curiosity, or lack of food; it can be any of them, depending on the situation. Apart from humans, only a few animals, such as killer whales and groups of dolphins, would dare to attack an adult great white shark, and even then very rarely.

Largest Great White Bird Ever Recorded: Meet Deep Blue
Given its status as one of the largest carnivorous animals in the world, it should come as no surprise that there is a lot of interest (and even slightly multiplied mythology) surrounding the largest great white shark ever recorded. This honor goes to a woman with the very apt name, Deep Blue. It is believed that she was first seen in the 1990s, but no photographs or video of these encounters exists.
It wasn’t until 2013 that a video of this large creature was finally filmed. The person who tracked her down was explorer Mauricio Hoyos Padilla, who found her off the island of Guadalupe, off the western coast of Baja California, Mexico. It is believed that Deep Blue returns to Guadeloupe every two years to breed during the mating season. In fact, she may have already been pregnant at the time of this meeting; that would be quite impressive because it means she was still giving birth to children at the bouncy age of 50.
Deep Blue’s fame reached even greater heights when footage of the meeting was shown on Discovery Shark Week and on national news networks.
Despite its newfound popularity, Deep Blue seemed to be out of sight for several years until, in 2019, it was spotted again thousands of miles off the Hawaiian island of Oahu, feeding on the remains of a sperm whale carcass. Perhaps due to the fact that Deep Blue was already full after eating, she was quite docile when she allowed marine biologist Ocean Ramsey to swim beside her and hold her fins (a trick that some biologists have criticized as unprofessional and perhaps even annoying shark, although this remains an assumption).
How do marine biologists know it’s Deep Blue? This is because sharks, like many other large animals, can be distinguished by their unique anatomical features. The white and gray pattern along the flank and belly is considered almost as distinctive to a shark as a fingerprint is to a human. Deep Blue can also be identified by the ragged edge on the right side of her body. It is currently impossible to track her exact movements because no one has ever noted her. Scientists can only guess where and when she will appear next.

How big is Deep Blue?
While Deep Blue is believed to be the largest shark on record, the problem is that it was never actually measured directly. Even if it was safe, Deep Blue is in constant motion, making accurate measurements difficult. Instead, the overall size should be estimated from photographs and videos. By this measure, it is believed that Deep Blue can reach 20 or 21 feet in length and 8 feet in height. She is estimated to have weighed around 5,000 pounds.
Does the evidence support the notion that Deep Blue is the largest known white shark? This question is surprisingly difficult to answer. There are several reports of great white shark carcasses, at least the same size as Deep Blue, washed ashore in Cuba and Taiwan (although their size may have been exaggerated and images in photographs may be misleading or obscure ).
Marine biologist Michael Domeyer also claims to have seen samples possibly larger than Deep Blue while researching a great white shark off the coast of Mexico and California. And there are almost certainly larger sharks that no one has ever seen or documented before hiding there. However, while there is no evidence for these other sharks, we have very clear images of Deep Blue showing that it is taking the crown as the largest known member of its species.
How big can a big white be? Due to natural size limitations, scientists have suggested that great white sharks are unlikely to ever exceed 21 or 22 feet in length. So even if a larger shark is ever discovered, it will likely surpass Deep Blue by just a few inches, or perhaps a foot. At this stage, scientists may need to take more accurate measurements to determine which shark is actually larger.
Is the great white shark the largest shark in the ocean?
One final note on shark size: Many people mistakenly believe that the great white shark is the largest shark in the water today. In fact, the great white shark cannot match the size of the modern whale shark (or even the second largest species, the massive giant shark). This huge filter feeder up to 62 feet long (although the typical size is more than 30 to 40 feet in length) is not known to attack humans, but it does feed on krill, copepods, squid and fish in huge numbers. …
However, the whale shark is not necessarily the largest species ever to exist; this distinction probably belongs to the extinct megalodon. This close relative of the great white shark (scientists still debate how closely related it is), which is between 23 and 3.6 million years ago, probably averaged 35 feet and possibly up to 67 feet in length. A single tooth is the same size as a human hand, and its jaws can easily fit over an entire person. They were very predatory, like the large white fish, and fed mainly on adult whales and dolphins. People will probably be comforted by the fact that such a huge predator no longer haunts the world’s oceans.

Next: 10 deadliest animals in the world