Decades after banning all animal crash tests – following the PETA campaign – Ford got his hands dirty again. In a study called Side Impact Evaluation and Comparison of Suitable Size and Age Pig Surrogates with Scalable Corridors of Biological Confidence in Human Response to Side Effects, killed at least 27 pigs and their bodies were suspended by wires from their spines and subjected to the blows of a pendulum.
The study authors state the following:
We would like to express our appreciation and thank Ford Motor Company for his financing and support current research project. Funding for this study was provided by the Ford Motor Company. through its university research program. [Emphasis added.]
No other car company is known to have done this terribly brutal test in many, many years, and it’s time for Ford to get back in its lane and commit to helping drivers. and animals, renewing the ban on crash tests of other types of cars.
The world has moved on Carry out crash tests on dummies and high-speed computers from cruel and archaic tests on animals that feel pain and value their lives as much as we do.
In 2009, Ford assured PETA that the company “did not directly conduct or fund the development of products that involve testing on live animals, and does not know that it has led such testing over the past three decades.”
If Ford returns to that commitment now, PETA will make sure that the public is fully informed so that car buyers can make informed decisions about which carmakers to support and which to drop.
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