A French bulldog named Laila was reportedly killed while her two unborn puppies were still inside her because her owner allegedly raised her and then paid a bogus veterinarian $ 650 to perform an illegal home cesarean section. The owner’s daughter reportedly filmed the nightmare and posted it on TikTok, apparently leading to the arrest of both the owner and the fake veterinarian.
The video shows how the French Bulldog rolls over onto its back on a table that seems to be set in the kitchen or living room – during a cesarean section, she noticeably writhes. Investigators appear to believe that Laila was not properly anesthetized prior to the failed, ultimately fatal surgery. Presumably, the owner took her to licensed veterinarian, but she died on arrival. The office manager apparently told investigators that two of Laila’s dead unborn puppies were still inside her when she was brought in. One of the office’s veterinarians told investigators that Laila and the two puppies suffered “unfair cruelty and suffering due to unethical medical services. performed.”
Two men were arrested in Florida after a TikTok video allegedly showed one of them performing an unlicensed caesarean section on a French bulldog, officials said. https://t.co/nAGlutrJU8
– NBC News (@NBCNews) 18 February 2021
Both Laila’s owner and the fictitious veterinarian are reportedly facing animal cruelty charges, and the latter is apparently facing an additional fine for practicing veterinary medicine without a license.
Layla was never supposed to be pregnant.
French Bulldogs generally require artificial insemination, and because of their purebred physical qualities, they usually give birth by caesarean section. However, the only surgery Laila had to do was performed by a licensed veterinarian before she was born: she had to be spayed. It doesn’t matter if she was pregnant because her owner wanted to sell her puppies, give them away or keep them for himself, it doesn’t matter – he doomed her and her children the moment he decided to deny Layla, whom he was supposed to protect. saving lives. sterilization surgery.
Sterilization saves lives
Neutering (and neutering) helps stem the tide of stray dogs. Sterilization eliminates the stress and discomfort women experience during estrus, eliminates the risk of uterine cancer and significantly reduces the risk of breast cancer.
Female dogs should be spayed shortly after they reach 8 weeks of age, and most shelters and veterinarians encourage early spay, which can be less stressful for the animals. (Younger animals tend to recover faster after surgery.) And if Laila was old enough to reproduce, she was old enough to be spayed.
TikTok, Facebook and other video sharing sites make it difficult for breeders to hide their brutality.
Just last month, PETA notified Onslow County, North Carolina, of a Facebook video that appears to have shown a local dog breeder clearly insulting a German shepherd named Raven. while she was giving birth… According to news sources, the breeder posted a live stream of Raven’s mother in labor for potential buyers to watch her give birth to puppies, but one such client was shocked when she signed up for a video link and reportedly witnessed the breeder’s abuse and curses at a dog already under stress when it was caged.
Repeat after PETA: There is no such thing as a “responsible breeder”.
The two stories above show how breeders prioritize their obsession with “pure pedigrees” and their appetite for money over animal welfare. Even Laila’s surviving puppies – who may have been inbred with the goal of obtaining breed-specific traits like many French Bulldogs – are likely to suffer from breathing problems their entire lives. While breeders can always be counted on for their nefarious dedication to raising “perfect” animals, we can ensure that dogs can count on the rest of us to reject “designer” canine mania – we can be the guardians of Raven, Layla and others. depend on. Please do the following:
- Never support dog breeders.
- Accept, not shop!
- Never pick a dog for purebred status.
- Is alwaysneuter or neuter your companion animals.
Sign PETA’s Pledge to End Animal Homelessness
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