According to emails sent out to community members, the Harbor Village Planned Development Association (PUD) recently contracted with the USDA Wildlife Service – a government agency infamous for its ruthless approach and brutal methodology – to rid the community of several wildlife species. … Eighty geese were recently caught – a nightmare in which agents chase flightless birds during molting, load them onto a truck, and then take them away, often for massive gas poisoning. Now, the PUD leadership appears to be planning for agents to set traps for marmots and beavers in the area as well.
Trapped animals suffer greatly, often injuring themselves in desperate attempts to escape. And the murder is for real unpleasant consequences because a spike in food supplies will only accelerate the proliferation of survivors, while the inevitable newcomers will arrive for the resources still available. PETA contacted the board members of the Harbor Village PUD Association, but our requests went unanswered. Now your turn!
Please take the time to email the board members and convince them to abandon killing in favor of humane containment methods that are tried and true:
Feel free to use our writing sample, but remember that using your own words is always more effective.
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