As much of the world reopens after more than a year of isolation, PETA is advocating for the animals held in SeaWorld and others. abusecop parks that won’t get the same relief. By using Dancing with the Stars professional dancer Sharna Burgess, we are launching a campaign to do the last dance of the Sea World and end the cruelty of animals.
Sharna was born in Australia and says her love and respect for the ocean extends to the animals that call it their home. “There have been several times in my life that I have seen wild dolphins and wild whales in the ocean. And it’s so beautiful and magical, ”she tells PETA. “You know they are not meant for us.” As a dancer, Sharna also understands how important it is to have freedom. move– something that killer whales that swim up to 140 miles a day in nature and other dolphins desire. But in marine parks around the world, these mammals are often kept in cramped barren aquariums with no swimming or other vital needs.
“It’s not just people who deserve rights and freedom – and freedom of movement. These are our animals. This is our wilderness. “
– Sharna Burgess in an interview with PETA
Tell SeaWorld to stop breeding dolphins and whales and send them to coastal sanctuaries!
More than 40 killer whales have died while observing SeaWorld – many far short of their natural lifespan. And let’s not forget the over 300 other dolphins and whales and the roughly 400 pinnipeds that also perished in the infamous abusecop a park. Due to PETA campaigns and growing criticism of SeaWorld, the company ended its abhorrent killer whale breeding program and then agreed not to let trainers stand on the faces and backs of dolphins in violent circus performances. However, 20 killer whales are still affected at SeaWorld, while others dolphins and whales are still used today as machines for raising new generations of captive animals.
Dear SeaWorld: Stop Breeding Dolphins and Whales
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