For immediate release:
October 7, 2021
Tasgola Bruner 202-483-7382
Dearborn, Michigan. – PETA found evidence that Ford Motor Company paid to kill pigs and use them in crash tests – in violation of the 2009 ban on the use of animals in experiments. A study by Wayne State University, funded in part by Ford, details how 27 pigs were killed, suspended from wires through their spines, and slammed into them with a heavy pendulum. PETA requires Ford to adhere to its policy of banning animal experimentation.
In this grisly experiment, funded by Ford, pigs were killed and their bodies injured by the shock pendulum. Pig anatomy is very different from human anatomy, so the data obtained from this animal experiment does not apply to victims of car accidents.
“Whether Ford had its own employees to carry out these barbaric tests, or they just signed a contract and paid for them, it doesn’t matter to the pigs that died in vain,” says PETA President Ingrid Newkirk. “If Ford returns to its commitment to animal-free humane research, it should expect consumer lawsuits from PETA and public outrage.”
Ford’s 2009 ban on funding and conducting animal crash tests was passed in response to PETA’s campaign. At the time, Ford’s then-sustainability business manager David Berdish stated, “Ford Motor Company does not directly or fund product development that includes live animal testing …” Our goal is to continue to be a leader in ethical business practices and to differentiate the Company through our commitment to understanding social issues, including the use of animals in research. ”
The anatomy of pigs is different from human anatomy, and pigs cannot sit naturally in car seats, so the data from these experiments are not applicable to people who have been injured in a car crash. Most automakers use superior, human-relevant techniques such as clinical research, advanced computer simulations, 3D medical imaging, and sophisticated mannequins.
PETA, whose motto is partly that “animals are not ours to experiment on” – opposes arrogance, a worldview focused on human excellence. For more information please visit PETA.org or subscribe to the group on Twitter, Facebook, or Instagram…
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