Where did her sweater go? A widower wondered while looking inside his late wife’s closet. After noticing how two of his wife’s clothes mysteriously disappeared, the man had installed a hidden camera in his room and learned something unexpected. Losing his wife 10 years after their marriage was a shocking life event for Alex. He loved his late wife Mary dearly and wasn’t ready to live without her.
Mary gave birth to their daughter Eliza a year after they tied the knot. Losing her mother at such a tender age brought little Eliza a lot of pain. She missed her mother every day and couldn’t understand why she left so soon. The nine-year-old never shared her feelings with her friends. After her mother’s death, she stopped sharing her feelings with Alex, despite him trying his best to make his little girl feel better.
Eliza never said anything to her father except for one request: “Dad, I don’t want you to work as a policeman,” she’d tell him daily. Alex spent most of his day at the police station. He was the head of the department and often dealt with dangerous criminals. “Don’t worry, sweetheart. Your dad is safe at work,” he’d tell Eliza.
The little girl feared losing her father because he dealt with criminals daily. She thought they would hurt him, and he would leave her as their mother did. A month after his wife’s demise, Alex opened her closet while searching for a missing document. When he noticed something strange, “Where did her yellow jacket go?” he said.
Alex had gifted a beautiful yellow jacket to his wife on her birthday, and she hung it in her closet. He was sure he’d seen it a few days ago, but it wasn’t there anymore. Confused, he closed his wife’s closet after finding the document. A few days later, he opened the cupboard again and noticed his wife’s blue sweater was missing. “That’s strange,” he said while skimming through the winter wear in the closet.
“I think it was hanging right there when I opened the closet a few days back.” Later that evening, Alex came up with an idea to solve the mystery of the disappearing clothes. Since only he and Eliza lived in the house, he was sure his daughter was up to something. “Installing a hidden camera in my room would be a good idea,” Alex thought. He bought a camera the following day and installed it while Eliza was in school and then went to work.
Later that night, he checked the camera footage. In Sally’s into his bedroom after returning from school, the camera footage showed her walking into the bedroom and opening Mary’s closet. Then she pulled out one of her mother’s sweaters, closed the cupboard, and left the room. “Why is Elisa taking Mary’s clothes?” Alex asked himself, scratching his hand.
The following day, Alex stayed home and pretended he wasn’t feeling well. He made breakfast for Eliza and told her he wouldn’t go to work today. “Dad, I’ll stay after school for my singing class,” she told Alex. “I’ll come home late, okay honey?” Alex smiled before waving her goodbye.
Singing class? Lisa never had an interest in singing, Alex thought. He suspected his daughter lied to him and decided to visit her school to see if she was telling the truth. In the afternoon, Alex left his house and went to Eliza’s school. While other children went home with their parents, Alex stood in a corner and tried to find his daughter.
A few minutes later, he saw Lisa walk out of the school building with her mother’s sweater in her hand. She waved goodbye to her friends and left the school premises. “Where is she going?” Alex asked, then began following his daughter, ensuring she didn’t notice his presence. After walking behind her for a few minutes, Alex understood where Eliza was going.
Ten minutes later, Alex was standing outside the graveyard where he had buried his wife. He watched his daughter cry and place a sweater on her mother’s grave. “Mommy, Lisa cried. I wish you didn’t leave me so soon.” Watching his daughter cry made Alex emotional, and he went inside the cemetery to hug his little girl.
“Ed, what are you doing here?” Eliza asked. “I wanted to ask you the same question, honey,” he smiled. “I know you lied to me about the singing class. What about this sweater?
I know you’ve been taking your mother’s sweaters from her closet.” “I just wanted Mom to be warm in heaven,” Eliza looked at her mother’s grave. “I brought these sweaters for her.” Alex couldn’t control his emotions after hearing his daughter’s response. He hugged her tightly and told her not to worry about her mother.
“Your mom is so proud of you, Eliza,” he told her. “So much, and I think you-” Alicia’s words trailed off, and she began crying hysterically. “I think you’ll also leave me alone. You catch bad guys, and I think they might hurt you. I’m not ready to lose you, Dad.
Alex hugged his daughter and told her he wouldn’t leave her. “No one’s gonna hurt me, honey,” he said. “Bad guys always hurt good policemen. I read that in a story.” “Please, I beg you, leave your job, Dad,” Eliza cried.
“But sweetheart, I don’t want to lose you, Dad,” Eliza cried. “Please quit your job.” After learning about Eliza’s fears, Alex decided to quit his job. A few months later, he set up an auto parts business with a friend and soon noticed a positive change in Eliza’s behavior. She stopped feeling afraid and shared her feelings with him.
Read More: Policeman Sees Own Photo in Old Stack of Missing Children Files, then discovers something shocking.