For immediate release:
September 1, 2021
Moira Collie 202-483-7382
Matthews, North Carolina – Recently released by PETA, an undercover investigation including video footage of workers at Plainville Farms sexual abuse of turkeys did not provoke a reaction from the outside Harris Teeter, which the continues to sell Plainfield turkey products since The label “humanely raised” – despite the fact that the company’s humane certification has been suspended.
Pennsylvania State Police are investigating Plainville employees caught in the video pretending to masturbate, sit on and simulate the rape of a male bird, and abuse the birds in other ways. They also filmed footage of workers kicking and stomping lame turkeys, tying birds with bandages, throwing chickens like basketballs, and unsuccessfully trying to break the turkeys’ necks, then throwing them aside to convulse and die in pain.
“Plainville workers treated these panicked birds like sex toys, causing pain and suffering for their personal entertainment,” says PETA executive vice president Tracy Reiman. “PETA asks Harris Teeter why it is still selling birds from farms where these horrific activities have been reported.”
Whole Foods has already removed Plainville Farms products from its shelves and has suspended purchases from the company. Plainville fired the workers involved and said it would begin monitoring all operations with body-worn cameras, which PETA calls a pointless act unless the footage is broadcast live so the crowdsourced public can view it and point out any ongoing atrocities.
PETA, whose motto is in part that “the animals are not ours to eat” – opposes arrogance, a worldview focused on human superiority. For more information on collecting news and reporting on PETA investigations, please visit or subscribe to the group on Twitter, Facebook, or Instagram…