For immediate release:
September 16, 2021
Tasgola Bruner 202-483-7382
Norfolk, Virginia. – Taking a big step for animals in European Union laboratories and for science around the world, the European Parliament almost unanimously passed a resolution calling on the European Commission to develop an action plan to end all animal experimentation – 667 members voted in favor of the resolution, with just 4 four against. This groundbreaking move comes after PETA has presented the PETA Research Modernization Project to Members of the European Parliament (MEP), as well as extensive lobbying by PETA and other animal welfare organizations in Europe.
In particular, the resolution movement requires accelerating scientific innovation. without the use of animals in research, regulatory testing and education. MEPs have instructed the European Commission to work with scientists, including PETA scientists in various disciplines, to ensure a future free from animal testing.
PETA’s research modernization deal states that animal research has failed to cure or cure humans, and provides a comprehensive strategy to stop using animals, starting with ending the use of animals in areas of research where they are known to have failed.
“It is now in the hands of the European Commission to create this pan-European action plan, and we expect the Commission to make it a high-level priority,” says MEP Jitt Guteland. “Because if the Commission is serious about its obligations to EU citizens, it needs now to start a dialogue with all parties to effectively coordinate funding, education and milestones to accelerate the transition to non-animal science.”
“The European Parliament reviewed our evidence and took action to advance science and protect animals,” says PETA President Ingrid Newkirk. “The US Congress must now follow suit and demand the implementation of the PETA Research Modernization Agreement, otherwise there is a risk of scientific lag.”
PETA’s EU divisions are now calling on the European Commission to act immediately in line with the will of the European Parliament and use the Research Modernization Agreement to create a Europe where animals are not used in experiments.
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