For ours field team and volunteers. They go outside every day in all weather conditions, making sure that dogs like the princess (below) are kept in a paddock or chained (and sometimes both) outdoors 24 hours a day, 7 days a week, there is food, water, shelter and insulating straw mat in winter.

We cannot say whose grin is more – the princess or our field worker. It is this dog’s smiles that keep the PETA field team alive with hope as they respond to cases around the clock and call for help.]
Meet a few of the thousands PETA helped in the first quarter of 2021:
One sterilization / sterilization procedure at a time, PETA restrains stray animal crisis…

Veterinary staff at PETA’s mobile sterilization clinic neutered Nina, who was suffering from pyometra, a potentially fatal uterine infection. We performed the operation, the cost of which in a private veterinary clinic was up to $ 1,500 (and much more in emergencies) – free of charge for Nina’s grateful guardians. PETA performs many sterilization and other services free of charge to help low-income families.
Batman, Pebbles, Cupcake, Bandit and Max were among the 165 animals we brought back and forth for free. sterilization / sterilization meetings.


The proof is in the kisses! Free PETA services allow guardians to keep their favorite companion animals happy and healthy.

From left to right – Bandit, Cupcake and Max.

Our five mobile clinic staff also traveled almost three hours from our headquarters in Norfolk, VA, to the low-maintenance countryside to “sterilize” with SPCA Lake Country in Clarksville, VA, where we sterilized 105 animals. Only for two days…
Many of the animals that PETA accepts into our shelter are elderly, feral, sick, suffering, dying, aggressive or otherwise unfit for adoption. We move adapted animals, which we do not house, to open access shelters with heavy traffic for a chance to find a new life.
Take Snowball, for example: after many visits and a lot of persistence, its owner agreed to give away a young dog that was kept on chain… We transferred her to the Norfolk PAs, where she was quickly adopted.

Previously, Snowball was chained to a tree with an unsuitable plastic shelter box. Snowball after, having received well-deserved love from his new family.

Talk about “before and after”! When Olga’s owner realized that her energetic young Labrador Retriever, kept outdoors 24/7 in this little paddock, required much more attention and exercise than she could offer, she gave the dog to PETA. We transferred the cute puppy to the Norfolk protected area, where a lovely family soon adopted her.

This cat, named Africa, lived outdoors and suffered from lice and severe upper respiratory infections. We took her off the streets into the caring hands of the Virginia Beach SPCA for treatment and chance of adoption. PETA subsidizes the cost of any necessary veterinary care when we transfer animals, for example from Africa, to partner shelters.

When we got a call from someone who was worried about a cat stuck in a tree for more than four days, we found a local tree climber who helped her down safely. After Wendy recovered from a torturous ordeal and received a medical certificate, she was adopted into a home-only home with Sherman, another cat rescued by PETA.

This frightened little beagle named Delilah was chained to a street booth that used only pine needles for bedding. Weak and sedentary due to tick-borne disease and severe malnutrition, she was able to recover at a shelter provided by PETA. She has since been adopted by a foster family and her new canine brother has helped her learn to run, jump, play and cuddle like a champion.
Meet the adopted animals at PETA
PETA’s field team is committed to helping animals in need – whether it is finding new homes for stray or stray animals, or helping guardians to maintain and properly care for their companion animals.

One of the requests for help we received this quarter was for Dior, whose ear infection caused her to shake her head so hard that the blood vessels in her earmolds ruptured and blood flowed under her skin. Our veterinarians drained the hematoma and cured the ear infection. We also took Dior to and from the clinic free of charge.

We delivered toys (like the one we gave to King on the left), trimmed our nails (including this puppy, on the right), refurbished dog kennels, and replaced the short heavy chains with 15-foot lightweight bindings.
We donated new wooden kennels to “yard dogs” such as G.

Before PETA, G’s refuge was an old, rotting house on a permanently muddy patch of land. We built his new home in a more suitable part of the site, replaced his choke chain collar with a comfortable nylon collar, and replaced his heavy chain with a light belt.
Be the “angel” for dogs like DJ and DJ – sponsor a doghouse
In and around Norfolk, PETA is part of the community.
As part of our Barks & Books program, we handed out children’s books on animal-friendly topics to children we met in the field and in our sterilization / sterilization clinics. We’ve also delivered dozens of children’s books to the Little Free Libraries to provide animal-friendly reading materials.

We distributed straws to local communities and advertised new Virginia legislation to ban Internet use in extreme weather (which was enacted after massive push from PETA!) By placing an unmissable banner on our van.
We provided for free end-of-life servicesbecause every guardian – regardless of his means – must be able to ensure that his companion animal remains comfortable until the very end.

Autumn, a 13-year-old pit bull, was brought to PETA for end-of-life care because she became blind and suffered from multiple cancers, including a ruptured one. She was one of the animals that we euthanized free of charge for guardians who could not afford this vital service at a private veterinary clinic.

Jack spent his life in chains on the street 24 hours a day, 7 days a week. Its owner called PETA when he started showing signs of terminal heart failure due to a heartworm. He was lethargic, with a severely distended stomach and could hardly breathe. We rushed to his aid, and his master made a humane decision to end his suffering.
Find out more about the core work of our field team in 2021
You, too, can make the world a better place for animals
Doing what is best for our companion animals means neutering and neutering, adopting, not buying animals from breeders or pet shops, keep animals indoors …
… By giving them love and security, and treating them as family members that they are. To learn more about how PETA is making the world a better and kinder world for pets, look Breaking the chain-now is free on the Amazon Prime Video…