Mother and daughter give birth on the same day. When doctor looks at babies, his jaw drops to the floor. The mother, 53, and her daughter, 31, gave birth to sisters on the same day after the mother offered to be a gesture stational surrogate for her infertile child, who ended up being pregnant as a result of the offer.
Three years had passed since Kelsey Pierce and her husband, Kyle, had been struggling with infertility. When her mother, Lisa Rutherford, stepped forward to volunteer to be her gestational carrier on February 15, Lisa received the news that she was expecting her first grandchild.
Kelsey, who had been told she would never be able to bear a child, was taken aback when she discovered she was also pregnant in late March in the state of Michigan on October 1, Lisa gave birth to the couple’s daughter, Everly.

Chelsea gave birth to her daughter, Ava in Minnesota on November 23, just before Thanksgiving, nearly two months after the birth of their son, a 53 year old mother and her 31 year old daughter gave birth to twin daughters just weeks apart after the grandmother consented to be a gestational carrier for her daughter, who had been told she would never be able to carry a pregnancy due to her medical condition.
Almost two months after Kelsey Pierce’s mother, Lisa Rutherford, gave birth to their biological daughter, Everly on October 1 in Michigan, Kelsey Pierce and her husband, Kyle, welcomed their daughter, Ava into the world on November 23 in Minnesota. The fact that Kelsey is now a mother of two children after three years of infertility struggles is simply weird, she told ABC News. Of being a mother of two, the feeling is that I can’t believe this is my life.
I keep pinching myself. Following a series of misfortunes, the new parents ran into debt after depleting their money and going into debt while attempting to conceive through surrogacy and IVF. People magazine reports that Rutherford is proud to be able to say, hey, we went through this. Although it wasn’t the normal route, they ended up with children in the end. A series of treatments known as in vitro fertilization, or IVF, involves the collection of eggs from a woman’s ovaries and their fertilization with sperm in a laboratory.
It’s then decided whether to implant the embryo or embryos into the uterus of either the mother or a gestational carrier. After physicians discovered that she had a low ovarian reserve, the elementary school teacher underwent a successful round of IVF. However, she was later told that the lining of her uterus was too thin to support a pregnancy, and she was forced to terminate the procedure. In my mind, I was thinking, I’m willing to do anything. What does it matter?
If you give me something to tell me, it will add five years to the end of my life. I don’t care. I’m hoping to have a child. I would do anything, Peer says in an interview with People it was only that we were desperate. She spent two years attempting to thicken her lining, but nothing seemed to be effective.
Few days later, she received a phone call from her doctor, who informed her that her body simply wasn’t able to handle it. As she described it was an emotionally overcharged conversation, but she knew that we had tried everything we could. It was suggested to Kelsey and Kyle that they either adopt or locate a gestational carrier to carry one of their embryos, both of which would cost upwards of $100,000 or more. She said that because they had already spent more than their funds and had been inordinately indebted as a result of their previous actions, they had no choice but to go ahead with it. It was a particularly dismal period.
In the words of Pierce’s mother, oh my God, I would do it for you guys, she said. We were thinking to ourselves, you’ll never have to go through it again. They said the medication will eventually have an effect on my body, thus this will work at your age. You don’t need to put your body through that kind of stress. This isn’t to say that we didn’t take it seriously, but we didn’t believe it would ever reach that point.

A magazine article about a 57 year old mother who carried her daughter’s baby brought up memories for Kelsey’s mother, Lisa, who had read about the woman a few years ago. In Lisa’s words, when you have children, you want their lives to be better, easier and more satisfying than yours. I just realized that I don’t have $100,000 to hand over to you, but here’s what I can do to help you realize your ambition. It wasn’t even a question, she said. Lisa was determined to assist them in becoming parents, despite the fact that they’d never truly contemplated having her carry the kid.
Because of the hazards associated with her age, it was difficult for us to agree to allow her to be the gestational carrier, but she persuaded us that she truly wanted to do this for us. In May of this year, Lisa received medical approval to be a gestational carrier after being assessed and subjected to a battery of tests. The woman says, I was in a pretty dark hole at the time, and being a teacher makes it even more difficult because I’m constantly around children. Although I used to use my job to keep myself occupied, the fact that I’m continually reminded of what I really want is to have a child has become a source of frustration. It was a particularly dismal period.
She had an embryo transfer on February 7 and found out she was pregnant a week later, on February 15, after having the procedure. Upon waking up the next morning and discovering that her mother had texted her a photo of a positive pregnancy test, Kelsey claimed she just lost it, but the euphoria didn’t stop there.
Lisa was determined to assist her daughter and son in law and volunteered to serve as their Gestational carrier in exchange for a financial contribution. On February 15, she received the news that she was expecting her first grandchild. The expectant mother who would stop using fertility medicines and consulting fertility doctors received one of the biggest surprises of her life when she discovered she was also pregnant in late March.
In her explanation, Kelsey stated that she had no reason to assume that she was pregnant at the time she took the test. It had only just become a monthly ritual for her. She was ready to toss the test away. When she looked down and saw two lines, she took a deep breath and continued. She went to the doctor to confirm the good news.
After taking a second at home pregnancy test, which came out positive as well as the first, Kelsey and Kyle went from thinking they would never be parents to expecting two children in the span of a few short months and they’re overjoyed. It wasn’t something I had considered as even being a possibility, she says. When I first saw the two lines, I was utterly taken aback because I had never seen two lines before. I’d become so obsessed with them that I would examine them every month and would strain my eyes to see lines that weren’t actually there. So when I saw it right in front of my eyes, I thought to myself, no, this is a flawed test and that was the end of it.

Even though I didn’t want to get my expectations up, the experience was incredibly surreal and exhilarating. After hearing terrible news for three years in a row and never leaving a doctor’s office cheerfully, she couldn’t believe it when she found out she had a cancer diagnosis for a month straight. I believe I sobbed uncontrollably.
Kelly and her mother would exchange pregnancy tips and FaceTime each other during doctor’s appointments throughout their respective pregnancies. Lisa, who had her two children while she was in her early twenties, recalls feeling sick a lot at the time, blaming it on her failure to eat well or exercise.
But this time it was a whole different story. This pregnancy, she says, was wonderful. Since we’d been researching and planning it for a long time, I did everything I could to make sure I was eating well and in the greatest shape possible, she says. Everything went off without a hitch. When Lisa went to her 36 week appointment, she was discovered to be sffering from preeclampsia, a potentially hazardous pregnancy problem marked by elevated blood pressure.
Kelsey and Kylie drove from Minnesota to Michigan after being told they would have to deliver the baby through C section within 12 hours. They arrived barely in time for the birth of their daughter Everly. They had to transfer her to another hospital that had a neonatal intensive care unit, Kelsey explained. She came out with no color, she didn’t cry, and we couldn’t hold her or see her right away because they had to transfer her to another hospital that had a neonatal intensive care unit. The weight was excruciating, and all I wanted to do was hold my kid.
During her time in the NICU, Everley’s health improved and she was home less than a week later, on October 6, Kelsey’s birthday. The couple stayed in Michigan for a week before driving back to Minnesota with Kelsey’s mother and their new baby, who arrived a few days before Kelsey’s expected due date seven weeks and three days after Everly’s birth.

Her younger sister, Ava, joined the family, bringing the Pierce’s total number of children to four. Every time something is difficult or I’m exhausted, I remind myself that this is the culmination of a longheld desire, Kelsey explained. It’s given me a greater appreciation for it because of the length of time it took and the amount of effort it required.
When it comes to helping people with reproductive issues have children. In vitro fertilization is one of several treatments accessible in IVF. An egg is taken from a woman’s ovaries and fertilized with sperm in a laboratory environment. It’s then returned to the woman’s womb where the fertilized egg, known as an embryo, can grow and develop further. It can be carried out using your eggs and your partner’s sperm or using eggs and sperm from donors.
According to your preference. Who is Eligible for IVF Treatment? The National Institute for Health and Care Excellence fertility guidelines give recommendations on who should be eligible for IVF treatment on the National Health Services in England and Wales. According to their findings. According to these recommendations, IVF should be available to women under the age of 43 who have been attempting to conceive through frequent unprotected sex for a period of two years.