Woman’s Unusual Baby Bump Leads to Surprising Discovery in Ultrasound.
Extreme Trends presents: “This Mother’s Baby Bump Doesn’t Stop Growing, Then Her Doctor Spots Something Unusual in an Ultrasound.” Every pregnancy is different. Some are easier, and others can be harder on both the mother-to-be and her unborn child. And though this was only her first pregnancy, Shanice had grown as big as a house during her second trimester, and she just knew something wasn’t quite right.
She had backaches constantly, and she was always starving. So Shanice’s doctors sent her for an ultrasound. The nurse squeezed the jelly onto her stomach and began the scan. She explained to the young woman that her symptoms were absolutely normal for a first pregnancy. But as Shanice laid there, her eyes moving between her stomach and the monitor, she quietly asked, “Is everything okay?” Instead of answering, the nurse called the doctor. Shanice had always known she would have a family of her own one day.
Sister Discovers Disturbing Secret About Brother-in-Law in Emotional Visit
Her parents had been committed to one another since they were 16, and her older sister married her childhood sweetheart after they graduated. Shanice hoped that she would be lucky enough to find the right partner to share her life with. Linda, her older sister, had moved out to live with her partner when Shanice was only 14. She wouldn’t have to put up with her insane demands or childish arguments any longer.
Shanice assumed that her life would be easier now that she had more space. But without Linda, it was way too quiet at home. And though they spent time together on the weekends, the two sisters had started to drift apart. So one day, Shanice took the bus to Linda’s house. But she didn’t expect to find her sister so upset. While walking up the road, she spotted her brother-in-law’s red truck heading towards her. Though Shanice waved, he didn’t wave back and just kept going as if he didn’t even see her. She had never seen Josh with such a serious expression on his face.
Sister’s Struggle with Infertility Leads to Emotional Journey Towards Motherhood
He hadn’t even slowed down. Maybe he had an issue at work. Shanice was horrified. When her sister opened the door, her sister had obviously been crying. Linda’s mascara ran down her face, and her eyes were red. At first, Shanice was concerned that Josh had hurt her sister. But Linda explained that she had asked him to leave. When Shanice asked why, she was stunned by her sister’s response.
Tears ran down Linda’s cheeks as she explained that though they’d been trying to conceive, nothing seemed to work. After more than a year, Josh wanted to take out a loan and pay for IVF treatments. Linda just couldn’t take much more, and Shanice felt terrible for her sister. She had never seen her so upset. It was then that she realized that Linda would never truly be happy without a baby. So she encouraged Linda to keep trying, not realizing the impact her words would have on her big sister. After two years of intense fertility treatments, Linda got pregnant. Sadly, she miscarried in the first trimester.
Surrogacy Brings Hope for Sisters and Couple Struggling with Infertility
Then she became a recluse and refused to try again. Even Shanice wasn’t able to get her sister to leave the house for an entire month until her husband suggested a way to make Linda’s dream finally come true. His sister had offered to be a surrogate. Linda wasn’t sure it was a good idea. She’d gotten her hopes up before, only to have them crushed. But she didn’t have much left to lose.
And if the surrogacy failed, there was always fostering or adoption. Though Josh and Linda seemed happy, late at night, Shanice prayed that her sister’s pregnancy would work. Then something rather unusual happened. Shortly after her 21st birthday, Shanice met a couple named Joanna and Steve. They were having difficulty conceiving, and Shanice agreed to be their surrogate. She flew to Los Angeles for the procedure, then returned home. At an age when most of her peers were out partying and drinking, Shanice was focused on helping this couple achieve their dream of parenthood. Joanna and Steve were so excited.
Expectant Mother Discovers Triplets During 10-Week Scan
But after the first trimester, Shanice sensed something was wrong. And it turns out her instincts were right. Visiting the doctor for her 10-week scan, the young woman was nervous and impatient to learn what the problem was. When the doctor came back with the paperwork in his hands, he didn’t say a word. Shanice began to worry. Was there something wrong with the baby? She really didn’t want to disappoint Joanna and Steve. But the doctor’s next three words made her heart skip.
Dr. Ryan smiled and said, “You’re having triplets!” Shanice’s jaw dropped. Joanna and Steve were looking forward to being parents, but would they be happy with three babies all at once? Or would they be angry? Fortunately, the couple was ecstatic. Over time, Shanice’s stomach continued to grow. And although her body ached, she took comfort in knowing that she was doing something good. Sooner than she had planned, Shanice gave birth to one boy and two girls named Harrison, Willow, and Daisy.
Surrogate Mother Shares Experience of Carrying Triplets for Desperate Couple.
Though the babies spent their first two weeks in the NICU, all three seemed to be in perfect health. Once they were strong enough, their parents brought the triplets home. Now, Shanice considers herself lucky to be a part of the family’s life and visits the triplets every year on their birthday. She says that even though she was only 21 at the time, and it was a huge responsibility to be carrying the babies, it was one of the best experiences of her life. She had no morning sickness or cravings.
The whole pregnancy flew by. And with the support of Joanna and Steve, the experience was amazing. While some people question why and how she became a surrogate, Shanice tried to set the record straight. She explained that she wanted to help Joanna and Steve have the baby they so desperately wanted. She’d simply been the host for their embryo. And though she grew to care for the family very much, she had no biological connection to the babies that she carried.
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