For immediate release:
Jul 7, 2021
Tasgola Bruner 202-483-7382
Washington – The National Black Farmer Advocacy Group has joined PETA’s campaign to end the research and promotion councils for fruits, vegetables and grains (R&P) – or “checks” – from imposing mandatory evaluation fees on farmers to fund animal experiments. Deadly tests are being conducted in an attempt to bolster the marketing of conventional food products.
The Family Agriculture Resource Management Service (FARMS), a leading nonprofit organization dedicated to reversing small losses of agricultural land in low-income rural areas, sent letters to several checkpoints and the USDA that oversees them this morning demanding that the end of animal husbandry. tests are funded by these mandatory assessment fees, which are tax on farmers.
“Many farmers in today’s economy are struggling,” writes FARMS founding CEO Gillian Hishaw. “They don’t need barbaric animal testing to sell their agricultural products. Rather, they need economic relief from the inflated estimated fees that are spent on useless animal experiments. “
More than 2,600 animals have been douched, poisoned, force-fed, starved, irradiated, exsanguinated, strangled, decapitated, and dissected in tests funded by agricultural research and development councils and published between 2015 and 2019 in controversial attempts to popularize blueberries. mushrooms. mango, watermelon, raspberry, sorghum, soy and other common agricultural products. The Government Audit Office reports that in 2016, estimated fees for growers, processors, processors, importers and other agricultural products totaled more than $ 885 million, some of which was spent on animal testing.
After discussions with PETA and receiving emails from more than 85,000 consumers, the Hass Avocado Council, which funded avocado experiments in which animals were force-fed, starved, bled, strangled, and dissected, adopted a government policy that states: do not supports, funds, or conducts research on animals. “
PETA, whose motto is in part that “animals are not ours to experiment on” – opposes arrogance, a worldview focused on human excellence. To find out more visit PETA.org or subscribe to the group on Twitter, Facebook, or Instagram…
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