The University of Washington (UW) doesn’t want the public to know what’s going on in its huge, secret underground monkey lab hidden in Seattle. But we won’t let that stop taxpayers from learning the truth.
At a recent public meeting, a UW spokesman said monkey experiments conducted at the failed Washington National Primate Research Center (WaNPRC) are directly responsible for the promising COVID-19 vaccine Moderna. It was a lie.
PETA was there to catch this and we are now calling for an investigation.
Jane Sullivan, head of the Institutional Animal Care and Utilization Committee at UW, tasked with overseeing the “ethical” use of animals at the facility, read the false statement at the opening of the committee meeting on November 19:
“So first I want to tell you about a new RNA vaccine developed by Fuller Lab that I told you about in August. This is the Moderna vaccine, which was reported to be 94.5% effective earlier this week in a Phase III clinical trial that ran in parallel with the monkey study. ”
“This is incredibly exciting news,” she added. And incredibly fake, too.
PETA Scientific Advisor Dr. Lisa Jones-Engel, who attended the meeting, demanded clarification from Sullivan. Visibly frightened, Sullivan declined to answer, stating that Jones-Engel would be able to read the transcript of her comments when they came out at some point in the future. Sullivan then said that Jones-Engel could send her an email.
Sullivan later admitted to Jones-Engel in a private e-mail that her statement was indeed false.
“Distortions, misconceptions and outright lies – especially when they arise in the context of sensitive issues such as COVID-19 vaccines – are flagrant violations of public trust,” Jones-Engel wrote in a letter to federal oversight. agency requesting the investigation.
Sullivan’s lies were not a surprise comment; she read it from a written statement. Someone thought about it and wrote it for release at this meeting. Was this intended to imply that the monkey torture taking place at WaNPRC is somehow directly related to human health? Are officials trying to distract themselves from PETA’s recently released videos of horrific monkeys in the center’s cages? This is what we would like to know.
Here’s what we know for sure
WaNPRC is a colossal taxpayer-funded failure. This latest episode shows how far experimenters will go to trick the public into believing that the cruel and useless experiments they are doing on monkeys have any significant chance of improving our understanding of human health, despite 60 years of evidence. reverse. Don’t fall for their lies.
Please join the thousands of PETA supporters in calling for the immediate closure of WaNPRC and the release of the monkeys to respected sanctuaries where they will be given the safety and dignity they deserve for the rest of their lives.
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