For immediate release:
September 20, 2021
Megan Wiltsie 202-483-7382
Bakersfield, California. “With California wildfires raging and the Dixie fire close to becoming the largest wildfire in the state, PETA comes to the main culprit: McDonald’s. The group placed a new billboard right next to a local McDonald’s restaurant, indicating that it is now undeniable that meat dishes are the driving force behind the climate crisis. Livestock is responsible for nearly one-fifth of all anthropogenic greenhouse gas emissions and the waste of vast amounts of water in industrial plants, contributing to droughts and wildfires.
“Livestock is fueling the climate crisis that is burning California, and Big Macs may well be the match,” says PETA President Ingrid Newkirk. “PETA encourages people to go vegan and stop cursing the planet on the road.”
McDonald’s has received the F-rating of PETA’s vegan burger chains – even its fries contain beef fat.
In addition to harming the planet, bypassing the point of no return, the meat, egg and dairy industries are terribly cruel to animals that live a terrible life in close confinements before being slaughtered in any weather.
PETA, whose motto is in part that “animals are not ours to eat,” is opposed to specisism, a worldview focused on human excellence. For more information on collecting news and reporting on PETA investigations, please visit PETA.org or subscribe to the group on Twitter, Facebook, or Instagram…
The billboard is at 1000 Real Rd.
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