For immediate release:
September 1, 2021
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Lockport, Illinois. – Ahead of duck hunting season and as a contribution to an urban public art project to help small businesses stay afloat, PETA has placed a large duck sculpture at Lincoln Landing, decorated with fun and useful facts for kids, including birds sleeping with one open with the eye for safety, mothers pluck feathers from their breasts to make their nests, and a group of ducks is called “rowing.” PETA hopes to convey a message of compassion to children and their parents, some of whom may have been inclined to go duck hunting.
“Ducks are sensitive, curious birds that are lifelong friends and don’t deserve to be treated like targets,” says PETA President Ingrid Newkirk. “The PETA Mallard Duck nests in Lockport to inspire everyone to give these animals charlatan in a good life, never shooting or eating them. “
Currently, there is no need to eat any type of meat, but a small part of the population continues to hunt, destroying families and populations of animals and destroying ecosystems. And in the meat industry, millions of ducks are killed every year, spending their short and miserable lives in dark sheds without water to cleanse themselves, leading to the rapid spread of dirt and disease.
PETA – whose motto, in part, is that “animals are not ours to eat or abuse in any way” – opposes racism, a worldview focused on human superiority. For more information please visit or subscribe to the group on Twitter, Facebook, or Instagram…
The PETA Duck will spend the night until September 30 at the intersection of Ninth and Canal Streets, opposite the Public Landing courtyard at Lincoln Landing, next to the canal and bike parks.