For immediate release:
February 23, 2021
Tasgola Bruner 202-483-7382
Baltimore – PETA filed a formal complaint this morning with the Maryland Department of Natural Resources (DNR) alleging that Johns Hopkins University (JHU) experimenter Shrish Mysore was unable to obtain mandatory permits for his gruesome and deadly experiments on the brain of owls. PETA’s public inquiries and discussions with the agency show that there are no records of permits for these legally protected birds between 2015 and 2018. The group demands that DNR permanently forbid Mysore from obtaining permission to own owls for experimentation.
In his experiments, Mysore cuts out the skulls of barn owls, implants electrodes into their brains, forces birds to place them in plastic tubes or jackets so tight that they cannot move their wings, holds their eyes open and bombards them with sounds and light for up to 12 hours. In the end, the owls are killed. Experiments are supposedly being conducted to study attention deficit disorder, but Mysore has publicly admitted that attaching bolts to the skulls of owls to keep their heads in a fixed position – and this is not how owls perceive noise and movement in nature – can cause him to “get it wrong. interpret what is happening or misunderstand ”results.
“If Johns Hopkins can’t even bother to file the necessary paperwork with the state, he shouldn’t be allowed to perform complex brain surgeries on live animals,” says PETA vice president Shalin Gala. “The illegal use and killing of owls in taxpayer-funded experiments is unacceptable and PETA is urging the Maryland Department of Natural Resources to block permits for this notoriously useless practice.”
Funded over $ 2.5 million by the National Eye Institute and JHU, Mysore uses 50 to 60 barn owls in its experiments, including six birds for surgical practice alone for its staff. Numerous published studies have shown that animal experimentation is a waste of resources and lives, as more than 90% of basic scientific research results, much of which comes from animal testing, do not lead to cures in humans.
PETA, whose motto is in part that “animals are not ours to experiment on” – opposes arrogance, a worldview based on human superiority. For more information please visit; follow the group on Twitter, Facebook, or Instagram; or click here…