For immediate release:
August 24, 2021
Amanda Hayes 202-483-7382
Brian, TX – Leading rubbish PETA supporters “Golden Retriever” mascot beagle Board members of Texas A&M University at a meeting of regents on Thursday called for the release of 19 dogs from the infamous canine muscular dystrophy (MD) laboratory, which are still in the university jail. The group is asking Texas A&M President M. Catherine Banks to place the remaining dogs in loving homes and redirect funds to modern humane research.
When: August 26, Thursday, 13.00
Where: CIR Building, Rms. 1107-1109, 1041 RELLIS Pkwy., Bryan
“Texas A&M’s controversial and unsuccessful experiments on canine muscular dystrophy have killed dozens of lovable, gentle dogs without a single cure to show over the years of pain and terror,” says PETA Senior Vice President Katy Guillermo. “Thanks to PETA’s revelations, Texas A&M has had to end its dog breeding program and must now release 19 love-starving dogs that remain in sterile cages.”
Ever since PETA first exposed the suffering of dogs in the laboratory – and under pressure from 500 doctors and people with MD – Texas A&M has stopped breeding dogs for the development of the disease. Many of the nearly 100 dogs have been taken into homes. Recent records indicate that the 19 remaining animals are not used in any research. Two dogs diagnosed with MD, Garen and Grinch, were euthanized in March and May, respectively, after much suffering in the Texas A&M lab.
PETA, whose motto is in part that “animals are not ours to experiment on” – opposes arrogance, a worldview focused on human excellence.
For more information please visit PETA.org or subscribe to the group on Twitter, Facebook, or Instagram…
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