For immediate release:
August 24, 2021
Amanda Hayes 202-483-7382
Baltimore – In time for orientation week at Johns Hopkins University (JHU), a flock of PETA supporters wearing owl masks with electrodes and wires sticking out of their heads will stage a scene on campus this Thursday in an attempt to stop the rough work of JHU experimenter Shrisha Mysore. experiments on perverting brains on barn owls. During the tests, Mysore implanted electrodes in the owls’ brains, pinched their eyes, made them look at points, and bombarded them with visual and auditory stimuli for 12 hours at a time. When they are no longer needed, he kills them.
When: August 26, Thursday, 12 noon
Where: JHU, at the intersection of E. Gate and N. Charles Streets, Baltimore
“While freshmen are getting their bearings, Johns Hopkins disorients sensitive owls with electrical signals and other horrors in painful and deadly experiments, ”says PETA Vice President Shalin Gala. “Students have every right to know that Indeed is happening on campus, and PETA applauds their efforts to advance modern and humane research. “
A Pew Research Center poll found that the majority of the US adult population opposes the use of animals in scientific research, and other polls show that a shrinking group that accepts animal experiments are doing so only because they believe it is necessary for medical progress. However, research shows that a staggering 90% of basic research, most of which involves animals, does not lead to cures in humans.
PETA, whose motto is in part that “animals are not ours to experiment on” – opposes arrogance, a worldview focused on human excellence.
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