For immediate release:
October 1, 2021
Nicole Meyer 202-483-7382
Mendocino County, California. – PETA sent a letter to Mendocino County District Attorney David Eister this morning asking him to add animal cruelty charges to those currently facing Devin Lamar Johnson for the alleged Hopkins arson, which destroyed more than 250 acres of land. Dozens of houses – killed birds, cats and dogs left inside – and no doubt caused countless other animals to burn to death.
The group writes in their letter that causing suffering and excruciating death to animals, as in the case of this fire, must be considered a violation of California animal welfare laws. The letter details how the chaffinches, parrots and parrots were killed in the fire and at least three dogs and two cats, according to residents on social media. Several more cats received severe burns and needed veterinary care.
“A huge number of frightened animals, both wild and domestic, saw their world disappear, and many were burned in this devastating fire,” says PETA Vice President Daniel Paden. “PETA hopes that the person in charge will be accused of causing them so much suffering.”
PETA made a similar inquiry in the case of an accused arsonist linked to the Almeda fire in Oregon, and the man is now facing eight first-degree animal cruelty charges for the alleged deaths of a sheep, canary, lamb and goldfish. , chickens and raccoon.
PETA, whose motto is in part that “animals are not ours to abuse in any way,” is opposed to arrogance, a worldview focused on human superiority. For more information on collecting news and reporting on PETA investigations, please visit PETA.org or subscribe to the group on Twitter, Facebook, orInstagram…
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