For immediate release:
September 2, 2021
Tasgola Bruner 202-483-7382
Baltimore – See the following statement by PETA Senior Vice President Cathy Guillermo regarding federal filings revealing serious breaches of animal welfare at the University of Maryland at Baltimore:
The University of Maryland-Baltimore (UMB) must move away from bloody animal experiments. According to a just released federal inspection report obtained by PETA, a macaque in one of its laboratories died of dehydration after workers did not notice that the monkey had been out of water for two full days. The death – which must have been excruciatingly painful and terrifying – was not reported to the animal supervisory authority UMB as required. The informant finally did so nine months later. In another case, the experimenter deviated from the approved experimental protocol in violation of the law. Such deviations can jeopardize the health and welfare of animals.
In 2020, UMB used 661 animals subject to federal animal welfare laws, including 223 guinea pigs, 89 primates, 45 rabbits and two dogs. Of these, 214 were used in Column E experiments – painful experiments in which animals were denied pain relief.
UMB’s attitude towards animals is at odds with today’s science and ethics.
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