For immediate release:
October 7, 2021
Tasgola Bruner 202-483-7382
Baltimore – See the following statement by PETA Senior Vice President Cathy Guillermo regarding federal filings revealing important violations of the Federal Animal Welfare Act at Johns Hopkins University:
Johns Hopkins University (JHU) complements an already long history of horrific violations of federal animal welfare laws. PETA recently received federal reports of broken elbows and unsuccessful head surgeries in school animal labs, which are a deadly charge against an incompetent research system. PETA has already exposed JHU’s invasive experiments on owl brains, some of which were in violation of Maryland law. Now federal officials referred to JHU because the pig subjected to the heart experiment had to be killed and both of his elbows were broken, presumably as he moved from one place to another, and the officer left the injured animal to suffer without informing the veterinary staff. The university was also cited for failing to provide pigs with adequate pain relief and for using a non-sterile technique to cut the monkey skull, which caused serious infections and the failure of half of the animal’s cranial implants inserted by the experimenter. These monkeys were also killed. If JHU cannot manage even basic veterinary care, it should not be getting even a dime of our tax dollars to harm and kill animals in laboratories. PETA is filing a complaint with the National Institutes of Health’s Laboratory Animal Welfare FDA and requests an investigation.
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