For immediate release:
Jul 26, 2021
David Pearl 202-483-7382
San Antonio – PETA says the birth of a beluga whale at SeaWorld San Antonio is not a reason to celebrate. The following is a statement from PETA Executive Vice President Tracy Reiman:
Because SeaWorld believes the cubs of beluga whales are selling tickets, they turned beluga whale Luna into a breeding machine. The workers raped her, forcibly impregnating her to create a living prop for the park show. Luna rejected her first child. Now this one, her fourth, is doomed to a life of misery and commercial exploitation. The birth of beluga cubs in captivity, doomed to swim in endless circles inside a barren aquarium, is not a reason for a holiday.
PETA, whose motto is in part that “the animals are not ours to eat” – opposes arrogance, a worldview focused on human superiority. For more information please visit SeaWorldOfHurt.com or subscribe to the group on Twitter, Facebook, or Instagram…
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