For immediate release:
August 9, 2021
But back 202-483-7382
Ithaca, NY – On the occasion of World Plant Milk Day (22 August), given that the demand for dairy-free milk shows no signs the fallPETA sent a letter to New York State Parks, Recreation and Conservation Commissioner Eric Cullesade this afternoon asking him to change the name of Buttermilk Falls State Park to Planta Milk Falls State Park at least for that day. The group offered to contribute to the cost of the new signage and send delicious vegan milk to park visitors if they agreed.
“Words matter, and the current name of this beautiful park comes from the ugly industry that takes babies from cows to sell the milk that the calves themselves need,” says PETA President Ingrid Newkirk. “PETA hopes that park officials will adopt a new moniker that reflects the ever-growing taste for plant-based milk today.”
PETA, whose motto is in part that “the animals are not ours to eat,” is opposed to arrogance, a worldview focused on human excellence. For more information please visit PETA.org or subscribe to the group on Twitter, Facebook, or Instagram…
This is followed by PETA’s letter to Kullesade.
August 9, 2021
The Honorable Eric Culleside
New York State Parks, Recreation and Historic Sites
Dear Commissioner Culleside:
I am writing on behalf of PETA and over 6.5 million of our members and supporters around the world, including hundreds of thousands in New York, asking: How many more Americans the fall for vegan milk, and the number of vegans continues to grow. climb due to ethical, environmental and health concerns, could you please splash renaming Buttermilk Falls State Park to Plant Milk Falls State Park on World Plant Milk Day (August 22)? If you agree, we’ll be happy to contribute to the cost of the new signs and send out delicious vegan milk to park visitors that day.
We are not trying sour someone’s day, but words have meaning and can change lives. Humans are the only animals that drink milk of a different kind or drink milk altogether after weaning. Cow’s milk is a leading cause of food allergies in children, and millions of Americans – approximately 65% of the population – are lactose intolerant. Research has shown that cow’s milk does not actually strengthen bones and does not provide many of the other health benefits that the dairy industry has promoted in its misleading advertisements for decades. In fact, some plants, especially vegetables like broccoli and kale, contain more absorbable calcium than cow’s milk.
Name change is but walk in the park compared to what cows carry in the dairy industry. As you may know, cows only produce milk after giving birth, so they are repeatedly and forcibly fertilized to ensure a stable supply of milk – only to see their beloved babies taken from them within hours of birth. Cows are intelligent, sensitive animals that, like human mothers, form close bonds with their young. They are known to seek miles and chase vehicles, hoping to reunite with their calves, and they even hid the calves from the farmers to avoid being taken away.
Today, dairy milk sales continue to decline while plant-based milk sales reached $ 2.5 billion in 2020, so we hope you agree that it’s time to tell dairy products. take a walk… We look forward to hearing from you. Thank you for your attention.
Yours sincerely,
Ingrid Newkirk
The president
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