For immediate release:
20 August 2021
Moira Collie 202-483-7382
Myrtle Beach, South Carolina – Chris Brown’s daughter, Royalty, has recently been in disgrace. King of tigers Doc facility Antl Animal Exploitation Center with her mom, Nia Guzman, and PETA asks them to set a better example. Below you will find a statement from the PETA Foundation Deputy General Counsel for Captive Enforcement Pete Brittany Peet (who also appeared in King of tigers):
“Baby chimpanzees, hyenas and tigers are stolen from their mothers for photo shoots like royalty in shady facilities such as the Myrtle Beach Antl Dock safari, and it is common in the industry to cage, sell or kill animals. when they are no longer profitable babies. PETA asked the mother of the royal family to put herself in the shoes of those mothers and set a good example for families everywhere by deleting these messages, pledging never to visit another roadside zoo, and joining forces with us to denounce the gloomy parks that tear apart animal families. “
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