For immediate release:
September 20, 2021
Brooke Rossi 202-483-7382
Washington – Since the upcoming Memorial of St. Francis of Assisi (October 4) will turn the thoughts of Catholics to the blessing of animals, Rev. Christopher Steck, SJ– Associate Professor, Department of Theology and Religious Studies, Georgetown University – sat on new video interview with PETA Christian chapter, LAMBS (meaning “Least of my brothers and sisters” from Matthew 25:50), in which he examines the duty of Christians to work for liberation animals.
In the video, Steck explains that God cares for animals, both for humans and as a part of the natural world, which He entrusted to take care of humans, and points to the beginning of the book of Genesis, in which God gives people plants for food. but not animalsand Isaiah 11, which describes the “Peaceful Kingdom” of all animals living in harmony on God’s holy mountain. “So, there is nothing in the teachings of Jesus that would induce us to act violently,” he sums up.
Instead, he says, Christians are charged with making the kingdom of God present in our world. “My work for the Kingdom includes not only working for social justice among people, overcoming injustice, overcoming impoverishment, but also my work for animals – that we must see in them beings that God also wants to bring to liberation,” he says, “In our eating habits, in our hunting habits, in our fishing habits, we must keep these terms in mind. What does it mean to bear witness to God’s Kingdom?”
Stack has been a Jesuit since 1983 and a Georgetown professor since 1999. Steck is involved in research on environmental and animal ethics, and his courses include The Problem of God, Dogs and Theology. He is the author All God’s Animals: Catholic Theological Foundations of Animal Ethics (2019).
LAMBS – whose motto, as interpreted by PETA, reads: “Animals are not ours. They are God’s ”- opposes arrogance, a worldview based on human superiority. For more information please visit PETALambs.com or subscribe to PETA on Twitter, Facebook, or Instagram…
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