Large reptiles have no place in shopping malls. Escaping a 12-foot python from the aviary at the Louisiana Mall BlueZoo is easy one The reason why. The aquarium was temporarily closed as authorities were looking for Kara, a Burmese python that had been in a shopping center near 62 hours– but this is further proof that these seedy structures should not exist.
Friends, while our day and night searches for Kara continue, we want to give you some brief information. We brought …
Posted by Blue Zoo Baton Rouge Wednesday 7 July 2021
The best way to prevent exotic animals from entering malls is to not keep them in malls at all.
Reptiles like Kara don’t want to associate with humans – so imagine how stressful a busy shopping mall is for a lone snake. In their natural habitat, snakes bask in the sun, refresh themselves, burrowing underground, climbing trees and swimming gracefully.
A roadside zoo at a mall cannot offer snakes the space, habitat, climate, and other very specific conditions they require. In cramped, squalid enclosures that often contain snakes, many can die from mouth rot, parasites, infections, or even stress.
Don’t support crappy shopping malls, petting zoos like SeaQuest
SeaQuest – another run-down roadside zoo chain based in shopping malls – has a horrific history of animal welfare violations. IN SeaQuest aquariumsThe animals died, suffered from neglected injuries, were hit with a metal food bowl and were reportedly trampled by guests.
The SeaQuest model, in which animals are kept in the cramped, completely enclosed areas of the mall, is hazardous to everything involved are animals as well as visitors. Members of the public were bitten and scratched because SeaQuest forces animals into highly intense public interactions. Employees say the animals are kept hungry to come to visitors for food.
SeaQuest’s reckless business model leads to ruin many animals. Animals are not objects that we can poke, hold and transmit. Forcing them into constant painful interactions with people is inhumane. Talk about the animals used in SeaQuest aquariums, convincing the company to transport all animals trapped in their enclosures to reputable institutions:
Call on SeaQuest to stop exploiting animals