She threw her son in the water. But what the bear did was amazing. Motherhood is the first introduction a child has to love. All other relationships throughout a child’s life are looked at through the lens of a mother’s love or lack thereof. Child, youth, teenager, young, adult and adult.
Every stage of life has a direct casualty of this relationship. Fatherhood is the same, but to a lesser degree in human sexuality. The female provides the egg. Without it, there would never be zygotes or fertilized eggs. The egg donor is referred to as the mother.
The mother therefore, is needed for reproduction purposes. Without reproduction, the human race would cease to be with one generation. A mother will always protect her children in any conditions, no matter how harsh they are. This role comes so naturally to mothers and it is ingrained in her deeply. Some mothers literally provide their back to protect and take care of their children.
Others will always be here to protect us and back us up whenever needed. A child’s first source of happiness is its mother and the other way around. This relationship has the strongest bond of mutual happiness. When a mother sees her child smiling, it shows the love they have and also how comfortable a baby feels when around their mother. This level of comfort will never be achieved by someone else at any other stage of life.
But sometimes life goes through hard lessons like that. Around the village, people began to notice traces of a bear. At first he walked alone, away from people’s eyes, trying not to get caught. Only the men who rushed to fishing at 04:00 A.m. At dawn saw the bear’s back from afar in the low woods near the lake.
The bear bends, hides his face in the grass, thinking no one can see him and so he will not be caught. Countrymen are used to many things like this. That’s why they did not pay any attention to the bear. The main thing is that he doesn’t touch or harm anyone. In the winter he went to bed in time, which is called hibernation.
He didn’t wander about the neighborhood, he didn’t touch anybody and nobody touched him, not even the dogs in the village. At first the dogs were raised, the barking with his appearance. They got used to it and only grunted a little without raising their heads. With the passage of time, the brown bear became bolder and began to walk around the village’s lake. He would drop the cistern on its side, climb up to his waist and choose what to eat.
The dogs are used to him. They didn’t chase him away. And then one spring it turned out that it’s now not only the bear, but a bear cub also, because next to the big footprints on the sandy road to the river were small ones seen. So the bear cub appeared to be born during the winter hibernation. And there’s no way that can happen to experienced adult bears, as they don’t just walk around the trails and they don’t leave traces either.
Usually it’s either very young or old bears. But here, judging by the tracks, they were just strolling along the sandy path. Which means that they felt at home in comfort, safety. It was hard to figure out who the baby’s daddy was. There were no other bears around the bear.
And this has peculiarity. The female can carry the fertilization and keep the baby inside her for a long time after and wait for the right moment to give birth and produce the baby. And if conditions are not good, she may not breed at all. And so it turns out that the bear lived looking around and probing the ground, so to speak, and then decided the situation is suitable. It’s possible to give birth.
But the surprises didn’t end there. One of the men was lucky enough to see them near the river. The bear cub was not alone. There were two of them. News of the twins quickly spread throughout the village.
And now there’s something that could grab the attention of hunters or scientists or zoologists. And they came and raided the bear and caught the cubs. They said they took them to the zoo. They didn’t have enough of their own. After that, the mom suffered.
The villagers heard her crying. She literally screamed the whole neighborhood, day and night, for a month. The mother, who had been taken away from her children, was in grief. And then, out of grief, she apparently decided to take revenge or just to be a wild bear. Openly, without fear of anyone, she climbed on the gardens ravaged personal property.
She even tried to attack some dogs and hurt some of them. It wasn’t just at night that people became scared. It became scary to walk the streets during the day. What did she want? The villagers ask themselves.
But they knew the answer. Such a betrayal would go unpunished well, man is such a brute who will never admit to his guilt. Man is only one way to fix everything to take a gun and shoot. So here they decided to get rid of the rampaging bear under the guard and shoot. But they did not shoot, but only wounded.
A wounded, angry and grieving animal. What could be worse? However, after the bear ran away from the shot, no one else has seen her. She must have gone into the woods and died from the wounds effects. That’s what people decided.
But they did not know that the bear’s fate was favorable. She lived in the forest. She was rescued by an old woman living alone. She was considered by all the locals as a weirdo. She didn’t communicate with people. It’s known that she only collected her food and herbs by herself. What she is doing? Or who did she heal? People didn’t care. Old woman lived in a dugout.
It was said that the dugout was left by partisans from the war. Actually, as the old woman herself, apparently also from the war times, probably the bare mother could be died by her wounds. They thought she was killed, but she recovered and so remained there with the old woman. Maybe the woman was shell shocked or something, or else she didn’t communicate with people. It was impossible to know the truth that the old woman alone healed the bear mother and maybe she felt of her grief and the bear also felt of the loneliness of the old woman.
So they decided to live together in the old cottage of the woman and there she came out. The bear became obedient, almost tame. The old woman herself avoided people and only rarely she’d visit the village in certain circumstances. The villagers walked only on the outskirts and were extremely cautious. But the situation improved as the bear now didn’t leave traces like before.
The villagers then built a hospital in the outskirts of the village. The bear liked to go there, to the lake near the forest most of the time, as there was a lot of fish and fruits. They build a new hospital near the lake and life changed a little in this place. The villagers were not used to hospital food. Often they wouldn’t eat a cutlet or a side dish.
The hospital had two departments one clinical for patients with various ailments from coughs and fractures, and the second one is maternity department. The fellow villagers were born there. The maternity department was known by its corruption. They were doing an abortion surgeries with whom needed such things. Even the people from outside the village were coming to this department if they needed an abortion.
There was a girl who worked as a worker on a farm and had many relationships with some guys at the village. She got pregnant and had an abortion a lot, maybe three times per year. At this last time the doctors refused to make the surgery for her. They told her that it’s too risky and she could keep doing that anymore. The woman was determined to her decision.
So after a while she came to the hospital again and threatened the nurses that she’ll file a complaint to the capital of what they are doing in the hospital if they refuse to do the surgery for her. The nurses were afraid of that and they informed the main doctor of the woman’s decision. The doctor refused first, but the husband of the woman offered him a reward, so he accepted it last. They did the surgery for her, but it was very risky as the child was in. Eight weeks after they finished the operation, they heard a baby squeak.
They’re all freaking out. The old nurse called the mother and told him what happened, but he ordered her to take it to the lake. So they took the little child alive and threw him to the lake. And at night the bear came. When the bear saw the little kid, she took him in her teeth and she took him to the old woman who she lived with.
When the old woman saw the child, she almost fainted. He squeaks and moves. Apparently the bear still longed for her cubs and her maternal instincts kicked in. She pulled the child out of the trash and saved him. The old woman wrapped the child to warm him up and put him in the oven.
Yes, you heard right. She put him in the oven. But that wasn’t a bad thing. In fact, there was a ritual of shutting out premature and weak babies wrapped in dough. Only their noses were left outside to breathe and they were placed in the oven overnight.
The temperature inside the dough was just like a mother’s womb and the baby could be recovered. Apparently, our old woman knew how to make this kind of dough properly. Whether it was long or short. She worked her magic was effective on the baby. The old woman was aware of the hospital situation and she decided to send a complaint to Minsk to investigate that.
They actually came and shut the hospital down and referred nurses and doctors for investigation. The old woman alongside the bear, decided to raise the little child, who grew up and turned into a beautiful child with red hair, just like his mother, who threw him. The kid grew up and turned out to be a strong, handsome young man who was known in the village.
The rumors about his red hair spread into the village and they were saying that this man is the son of the woman named Lola, that once upon a time has worked with many relationships. When Lola heard that, she decided to make sure she went to the old woman in her cottage to know the story of the young man from her.