Sisters get pregnant on same day. When Doctor looks at babies, his jaw drops to the floor. Did the title confuse you? Well, let us explain. This is the story of twin sisters Brianna and Brittany Sawyers, who share such a strong bond that they’re alike in every way, including their life path.
Not only are they close and always match what they wear, but they manage to both marry another set of twin brothers on the same day at the age of 35. Now the couples are making headlines as they both welcome baby boys born in the same year. Talk about being in sync. Are you in sync with your own universe? Take a quick zodiac reading here to find out what your universe has to say about you right now.
Safe to say that these all yours make up quite a unique family. It all started when identical twins Brittany and Brianna met identical twins Josh and Jeremy at a twin festival in 2017. A year later, Brittany married Josh and Brianna married Jeremy in a double wedding ceremony. What’s even more surprising is that the sisters became pregnant only a few months apart and both gave birth to boys. While technically the two boys are cousins, any genetic analysis would identify them as brothers because their parents are identical twins on both sides.
The Sallie’s are quite active on Instagram and never fail to surprise their 160,000 followers. With mirror like pictures of both identical couples. Scroll down to see their unusual, yet adorable family. The twin sisters have always been close. They love to share everything from their clothes and the way that they style their hair to their life decisions.
They never wanted to be separated. However, their similarities don’t just stop at the appearance and lifestyle. The sisters manage to synchronize their pregnancies as well. So how do they get two men to fall in love with them at the same time, propose at the same time and even want children at the same time? Well, let’s go back to how they met, the day the sisters met their match, and the day that led to two men proposing at the same time in identical custom rings by Jerry’s Fine Jewelry, which each had double infinity symbols coated in diamonds.
You’re probably thinking, how can someone time love like this? Well, it all started when Brittany and Brianna met Josh and Jeremy, another set of twins, at a festival for twins in 2017. They all instantly fell in love and lived a whirlwind romance at the same time. Just six months later, both couples felt ready to take the next step and were engaged. It turns out that the brothers were very similar to the sisters in the sense that they always wanted to get married at the same time.
Jeremy explains. Me and Josh always knew we had to find our twins if we were going to get married, and we told each other that we’ll never be able to unless we find a set of twins that we could fall in love with and marry. The pairing seemed perfect for all parties. We got lucky enough to find them. We couldn’t be happier.
The sisters felt the same way and were overjoyed that they found partners who love to dress in identical outfits just like them. The four of them are often photographed in matching outfits. It was no surprise then, that the couples who vowed to get married at the same time and walked down the aisle on the same day in identical outfits as their twins, also hoped that they would all be pregnant at the same time. Despite pregnancies. Being somewhat outside of human control, they managed to succeed and shared the news of their pregnancies in a joined Baywatchthemed photo shoot.
Their post read. Guess what? Both couples are pregnant. We’re thrilled and grateful to experience overlapping pregnancies and to share this news with you all. It was like everything they had ever wished for was finally coming together.
In an interview with today parents, Brianna explained we were hoping that we would have overlapping pregnancies so this would happen. We thought it would be really cool. The twins gave birth to what is known as quadrantary twins, a phenomenon so rare most people have never even heard of it. It only happens when two sets of identical twins pair up and each set has babies at the same time. The identical twins share the same DNA, meaning that each set of twins has the same genetic codes that they pass onto their babies.
The parents were overjoyed when their babies were born. Jeremy wrote, I’m so proud of my beautiful wife Brienne, and how well she did. She was so strong and brave and did an amazing job. I’m thankful that our boys will grow up together. Then, just three months later, when the second of the siblings had their child, they proudly also announced brittany did wonderfully in delivery.
I’m so proud of them and excited to be Jet’s dad. So if you think about it, the babies are technically brothers, but based on their genetic coding, they’re also scientifically approved brothers. And to take it one step further, they’re basically twins. We each already had another half, a literal other half, and we each previously had experiences where we dated people who were annoyed that it was not them who was considered the other half, but the four of us all understand the twin thing. The families live under one roof in Virginia and manage a wedding venue site together.
It was something we all for, wanted, and when we got engaged, we all wanted it that way. Brittany said. It’s something that’s very nice. Josh and Jeremy understand the twin bond like we do. We get to have a lot of together time.
We try to ignore the sociopathic stalker comments and just focus on the positive. Britney he said, some people think we’re really strange and others think it’s really amazing. We’ve gotten a lot of support and interest, and we’ve been grateful for that. As for future babies, they’re still debating whether they should go for one more pregnancy or not. In a way, they are now built and best friends, and they’ll each have each other forever.
Their bond will be special. Plus, they’ll be supported by not only one set of parents, but another identical one as well. This happened again with these twins growing up. Identical twins. Jill, JusTini and Erin Cheplac did just about everything in sync.
We played together, slept together, ate together, jill, 30, of Yorba Linda, California tells People. My parents would talk about how we had our own language together. We’d be in our cribs, side to side and make these cooing sounds. I’d make a sound and Aaron would respond. Now they’ve become parents together on the same day, in the same hospital, within hours of each other.
On May 5, both sisters welcome sons with each baby weighing £7 3oz and measuring 20 inches. It just feels like it was supposed to be, Jill says. It was a little surprising because what are the odds? But it’s like, of course this would happen to us. While the sisters planned on getting pregnant at the same time, we’ve always said it would be very fun for us, says Erin.
Giving birth on the same day had not crossed their minds. Jill was scheduled for a cesarean section at the Kaiser Permanente Hospital in Anaheim on May 5 because doctors discovered her son Oliver was in a breach position. Erin’s baby, Silas was due on May 15. But on the morning of May 5, Erin’s water broke. I called my husband Zach and said, okay, this isn’t a joke.
My water just broke. I’m going to need you to come home from work and take me to the labor and delivery, she recalls. My next phone call was to Joe, and I said, okay, this isn’t a joke, but I’m pretty sure my water just broke. Joe’s like, all right, well, I’ll see you there. Joe’s procedure was scheduled for 130 PM.
But was delayed due to a few emergency C sections at the hospital that day. Meanwhile, Aaron arrived at the hospital at 09:30 a.m. And was soon in active labor. Jill and her husband Ian joined Erin and her husband Zach in their rooms for hours. It was the four of us all being support system together, says Erin.
They were there for my strong contractions. I could not have gotten through that without that support. Oliver was born at 06:39 p.m. And Silas followed at 11:31 P.m.. Then the couples got another surprise.
We knew Oliver’s numbers. I was just kind of, okay, cool. It’s a pretty big baby. Zack, 34, who is also a twin. The nurse said that Silas weighed in length exactly the same.
I said, you got to be kidding, he continues. It was just incredible. Erin, Jill and their babies had rooms across the hall from each other after being discharged at the same time, they each returned to their homes, located just five minutes apart in Yorba Linda. It’s such a blessing to be so close as Erin, who’d been living about 45 minutes away in Long Beach when she discovered she was pregnant, she and Zach moved to your Belinda so that the children could grow up together. Being identical twins, Jill and I know no difference other than spending all of life’s journeys together, says Aaron.
It’s an experience that’s been amazing, and it’s something that Jill and I cherish so much. We’re each other’s best friends, and to know that our sons are going to grow up with the opportunity for a similar experience is a huge blessing, she continues. We’re so grateful for that. Raised in nearby Bree, California, the twins were six when their younger sister Allison was born in a rare genetic disorder that required many medical appointments and hospital stays. We watched my parents navigate raising a disabled child, but also raising us as well, says Jill.