For immediate release:
September 30, 2021
Moira Collie 202-483-7382
Atlanta – Fighting food desserts has never been so delicious! Monday restaurant Slutty Vegan Pinkie Cole serve free vegan Buffalo chicken and sausage sandwiches in Atlanta to start a fresh Campaign for Food Justicewhich calls on the government to redirect subsidies to the meat, egg and dairy industries as an incentive for grocers in low-income areas to stock up on fresh fruits, vegetables and other healthy, humane vegan foods.
“We made veganism fun and affordable at Slutty Vegan, and we all strive for the little pleasures that life brings,” says Cole. “We want to show that eating plant foods doesn’t have to be boring. With queues at each of our establishments, we are honored to bring good and kiddie food to Atlanta, and we are grateful to PETA for taking this issue nationally. “
The US government spends about $ 38 billion in tax money annually to subsidize the meat, egg and dairy industries – the vast majority of which goes to large corporations, not American farmers – while only about $ 17 million is used to subsidize fruits and vegetables. industry.
“Many families living in food deserts have few food options other than unhealthy processed meats and packaged snacks at a local corner store,” says PETA executive vice president Tracy Reiman. PETA is urging local, state and government agencies to stop supporting the brutal meat, dairy and egg industries and instead redirect these funds towards providing healthy vegan food in underserved communities.
At Monday’s event – and at upcoming events in Baltimore, Detroit, Indianapolis, Los Angeles and other cities across the country – PETA will also be giving away its new vegan starter kits filled with fresh produce and other wholesome foods. Storing such healthy vegan foods in food desert stores would save animal lives; help vulnerable communities reduce the incidence of cancer, diabetes and heart disease; Benefit slaughterhouse workers, many of whom are immigrants, who may lose their jobs if they report unsafe working conditions; and help the planet, given that livestock accounts for nearly a fifth of anthropogenic greenhouse gas emissions.
PETA, whose motto is in part that “the animals are not ours to eat” – opposes arrogance, a worldview focused on human superiority. For more information please visit PETA.org or subscribe to the group on Twitter, Facebook, or Instagram…
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