:: PETA Rapid Response Center ::
Let’s end the cruelty of the Canadian geese!
Coyotes and geese are being killed in the Canada Goose clothing supply chain. Together, we can pressure companies to help end the suffering of these animals by using kind, greener and more vegan materials.
PETA is leading the charge against Canada Goose. Our bold protests have convinced scores of partners, sponsors and celebrities to reconsider their relationship with the brand until it finally decides to ditch fur and feathers, but others still resist.
Animals need you! Join tens of thousands of people who have already spoken out in defense of coyotes and birds. Using your phone or computer only takes a minute, so what are you waiting for?
Fight Species In fashion: never wear animal clothing
Damaging, killing, or wearing a coyote or goose is no more acceptable than doing it to a puppy or kitten. Fortunately, it is easy to find a variety of stylish and functional winter coats that 100% vegan…
Goose: © iStock.com/Oxana Medvedeva; Coyote: © iStock.com/Harry Collins
Don’t believe in “humane washing”: Violence can be found in every line of the Canada Goose jacket with fur trim. Coyotes used to forage for fur can suffer for days in painful steel traps before being killed. It is known that mothers, desperate to get their puppies back, even tried to bite off their legs in order to escape. Animals that do not succumb to the elements, blood loss, infection or predators, when the hunter returns, are shot, beaten with clubs or killed in another way.
All the down used by Canadian geese comes from sensitive birds that do not want to be killed. The best way to help ducks and geese is not to buy anything containing fluff. Canada Goose could easily ditch this today – and below you can convince the company to do just that.
Take action now:
We urge partners to break off relations with the Canadian goose
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