For immediate release:
October 7, 2021
Brooke Rossi 202-483-7382
Montreal – This is a vegan turkey for everyone! On Friday, PETA will delight shoppers and passers-by by going offline. is free stuffed vegan roast with sauce from Sol Cuisine and Gardein as part of it Thanks Vegan A campaign calling for everyone to give their turkeys a break on this holiday.
When: Friday, 8 October, 12 noon
Where: 5201 Queen Mary Road, Montreal
“When people understand that turkeys love their families, feel pain and fear, and value their life, they tend to put vegan turkey on the table, ”says PETA executive vice president Tracy Reiman. “PETA offers recipes, shopping tips and more so everyone can enjoy a delicious vegan meal that leaves tender birds alone.”
Major grocery chains across Canada, including Sobeys, Save-On-Foods, Buy-Low Foods, and IGA, have joined a nationwide effort to showcase vegan holiday food, and anyone can find delectable holiday recipes by ordering one of PETA’s top Canadian travel guides. ThanksVegan. …
PETA – whose motto, in particular, is that “animals are not ours to eat” and which opposes arrogance, a worldview based on human superiority, suggests the Canadian leadership ThanksVegan.
For more information please visit PETA.org or subscribe to the group on Twitter, Facebook, or Instagram…
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