The Tiger brought a bag to the trucks parking. When they opened it, they couldn’t stop screaming. Sometimes people find it difficult to understand each other. Kindness is seen as a sign of weakness and excessive austerity. He is perceived as an attempt to humiliate your opponent. He thought that the predator was going. To tear him to pieces, but in fact the animal had completely different intentions. The tale is about one of the.
Deadliest creatures known to man, a Mama Tiger. But it might not turn out like. You expect as this is a story. About overcoming one’s natural instincts and fear. In order to ask for help from. The last creature you might expect. When a mother Tiger asks for help. From a local Forester to save her. Cub, she ends up repaying him a year later in the most incredible way. This is a story about overcoming one’s. Natural instincts and fear in order to ask for help from the last creature you might expect. I’ll start the story by saying it’s.
A fictionalized series of events. However, the main theme and message of. This story is an important one that many people might find helpful in their everyday lives. In today’s society, it’s often not easy. To understand one another as the key. Skills of patience, listening and kindness are. Ones that many people have forgotten. Lots of people simply look out for.
Themselves, ignoring anyone less fortunate than themselves. Who might need a little bit of. Help to get back on the right track. As this kindness which could help so. Many people is often seen as a weakness that will lead you to being. Trampled over by anyone bigger and more. Forceful than yourself because of how difficult it is to understand other people. In this day and age, it might seem almost impossible to understand animals of different species. But that story that I’m going to tell you today shows how a little.
Bit of patience, kindness and understanding can. Go a long way in helping someone truly in need. The story that I’m about to tell you happened around 15 years ago. An old man who had been a. Forester his entire life lived in a small village in the territory of Aurelia. He lived with his adult daughter, whose. Husband and their young son. One day, as he often liked to. Do, the old man wandered into the. Local forest in order to get some fresh air. He liked to visit in the woods. As he loved the natural beauty that.
They possessed as well as all the. Fresh food they had to offer anyone. Who looked for it. On that particular day, the old man. Had gone in search of some blueberries. So that he could treat his grandson. As he loved to eat fresh berries. And what could be fresher than fruit. Right from the forest. The old Forester knew the area like. The back of his hand, so he. Decided to venture further into the woods. So that he could find the really big berries to surprise his grandson. Having found the place that he was looking for, the man wasted no time in squatting down and started to pick the fruit that he had found and put it into the basket that he had brought with him.
As picking the berries was quite a. Relaxing and therapeutic activity, the Forester quickly lost track of his surroundings. He soon realized that he had come. To a massive and deep hole, but he had no clue how he had managed to get there. Suddenly he heard a furious growl, one that he knew meant danger. The growl had come from a huge bear. It seemed that the animal had sensed that the man was trespassing on its territory and was making it very clear that he was definitely not welcome there.
Luckily, the old Forester knew that Tigers. Liked to roam these forests and so he didn’t come unprepared. He quickly picked up his gun which. He had brought with him in case of a situation like the exact one he found himself in. He fired off a shot into the. Air, hoping to scare the huge beast away. The animal ran to the side of. The hole, scared of the noise but. Seemingly in no hurry to leave the area. It seemed as if there was something. That the Tiger wanted and it would stay around the trucks parking area near. The forest until it had it, even.
If it meant getting shot at the Forester. Scanning the surrounding forest and quickly came to realize why the Tiger wasn’t running away. On the floor, not too far from. Where he was standing lay a little Tiger cub. Upon closer inspection, the old man noticed. That the cub had gotten caught in a bag and couldn’t get out again. The Mama was simply guarding her baby. Not knowing any other way that she could possibly help it. The man knew that if he did.
Not help the baby animal, it would die in the bag as it would. Not be able to eat, drink or. Protect itself from other predators. Seeing no other option, the Forester decided. That he would risk his life to. Save the baby Tigers. Why was this such a risk for the man? Well, if the mother Tiger believed that he was trying to hurt her baby in any way, she would attack and possibly kill the old man. Knowing the risks, the Forester carefully approached.
The cub and took out his pen knife. He swiftly got to work on opening the bag. After a few tense filled minutes it sprung open and the cub broke free. Not wanting to push his luck any further, the man left the area in. A hurry and made his way back towards his home. The entire way back through the woods, the man felt as if he was being followed. Knowing that the most likely culprit was the Tiger, he picked up his pace and finally broke through the tree line and into the safety of the open field.
Once he felt like he was safe. Enough distance away from the woods, he. Turned around only to see the adult. Tigers standing behind the trees. She gave the Forester look as if. She wanted to say thank you for helping her cub, but she didn’t know how to the man did not understand and simply left the park to go back home. About a year later, the old Forester was sitting at home waiting for his.
Daughter and son in law. They had been to the city to. Buy a new baby, crib as they were expecting another child, but the young couple were late, which made the old man worry. Suddenly, one of the man’s neighbors ran into his house and started shouting that something terrible had happened. A Tiger was walking around the village. Covered in blood and carrying something in its teeth.
The Forester quickly grabbed his gun and. Followed his neighbor into the street. They met up with a few of the other men from the village and began firing their guns into the air in hopes that they would scare the Tiger back into the forest. But it didn’t work. After noticing the Forester amongst the group. The huge beast lowered its head and.
Put some sort of red bundle on the ground and walked away to hide behind the trees. The forest realized that it was the same Tiger from a year ago. He walked closer to the object that the animal had dropped and was shocked at what was lying on the ground. Wrapped in a torn bit of his daughter’s dress, it was a newborn baby.
Terrified at what might have happened to his daughter, the old man scooped the baby up into his arms and began to follow the Tiger into the woods. As if knowing what the man wanted, the animals started leading him through the forest. They soon came upon an old rickety and rotten bridge that no one had used for many years. What was surprising, though, was that someone had clearly tried to use it recently, but their weight had been too much and the rotten boards had broken. The Forester looked under the bridge and.
Saw his daughter and son in law lying on the rocks beneath. He scrambled down to them as fast as he could. When he reached the couple, he noticed that his daughter was still alive, but sadly, her husband had not survived the fall. A rescue team was called out and the woman was taken to a nearby hospital to be treated. After she was stabilized and recovered enough to talk, she explained everything. It turned out that she had persuaded her husband to take her to an old spot that she loved from her childhood and to get there. Though they had tried to cross the abandoned bridge, the stress of the fall had forced the woman to go into labor.
During this, she thought that she saw. A Tiger but she couldn’t be sure as she soon lost consciousness. Having heard the story, The Forester came. To understand that the beast whose baby. He once saved had repaid her dead by saving the man’s new grandson. And she managed to do it just in time.
As without the Tiger’s help, the old man could have ended up losing everyone that he cared about. At that moment, the old man also realized Why the animal never attacked him a year prior. She wanted to say thank you for saving her cub’s life be trying to say whether it’s an animal or another human. We could all do with trying to. Be a bit more patient so that.
People can express themselves properly because humans find the dumbest things to fight over. An animal is focused on finding food, Staying away from danger, Loving their offspring, Finding a healthy mate to reproduce with, et cetera. And here we are fighting over skin color, Race ethnicity, height, weight, etc. We measure success with something artificial like money, status and the media and we’re so superficial.
We socially pressure people to do things and be something that they’re not usually out of selfishness and greed. We consider ourselves the best, but this is hilariously ironic. Often people with big egos are the most fragile. In my opinion, we are one of the worst species on the planet. The human beings are not stopping making junk. That’s definitely makes the crisis for the animals and sea species as well as for humans.
Just like the pollution in many animals and humans got effect from the virus due to that. So I just want to know why there’s not any strict rules and laws that could be implemented on them and they must be punished for things that they do. We can see the ocean of the plastic bags along with the ocean of water.
While that does make us different in that we possess attributes, they have enabled us to modify the environment somewhat to our needs. It doesn’t necessarily make us better. Animals don’t follow moral codes because the concept eludes them.